Chapter 8

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"The only way to make it go away is to show your love for the person you care so deeply for," Levi answered. "Once the person you care about returns your feelings and acknowledges you, the stress and heartache of the situation should ease and your hanahaki should go away. Basically, you need to express your love for the person you have fallen for and be true to yourself. Only then can your body accept that the love is reciprocated and is no longer unrequited."

Erwin felt like a massive weight had been lifted off his shoulders with Levi's explanation. The thought that he could have done something about this by simply showing his love for the gardener instead of denying it and hiding it from him was a huge revelation. He now had the power to not only get rid of the hanahaki and his illness but also to potentially end up with the person he loved. The possibilities that were before him were exciting and terrifying at the same time, but he could feel his resolve growing stronger.

Erwin was filled with hope and was feeling like he finally had a plan of action. He now knew that he needed to do whatever it would take to confess his feelings to the gardener and to prove that he loved him. If he could do that, it would not only save his life but also have the potential to bring him happiness through a relationship with the person he had fallen for. He was feeling motivated and determined, and the gardener's kindness and understanding had given him the belief that he could do this.

Erwin was filled with relief and hope as he realized that he had finally found a way to stop his hanahaki. He knew that now his goal was to confess his feelings to the gardener and hope that he reciprocated them. To do that, he wanted the gardener's help in coming up with a way to express his love and to prove that he cared about him.

"Can you help me?" Erwin asked, his eyes pleading. "I don't know how to get the person I care about to like me enough to accept my love."Levi could see the desperation in Erwin's expression and felt bad for him. He knew how hard it was for people to confess their feelings and didn't want to see Erwin suffer any more than he already was. He knew that Erwin was in love, but he didn't realize that this was the person he was asking him for help to court. Levi was happy to help but needed to ask for more information about who this "person" was but nonetheless agreed to help,"of course".

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