The Meeting

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Naomi pov

Driving in my gray challenger i think of what to do today.My stomach growls very loud.'Well first thing first, i need to eat' i think to my self. Stopping at a cute little cafe name Leaky's Coffee&Sweets on the corner, i park my car snd make my way inside. I open the door and a fragrance of pumpkin spice hit me. The cafe had a nice homey look and feel to it.'this just might be my new spot' i say to myself. Walking up to the register, the cashier greets me,"Welcome to Leakys Coffee&Sweets, what would you like" "hmmm, this is my first time coming here' whats the most popular  thing here" i say. But before the cashier could answer, a deep masculine voice that sent chills down to my spine answered behind me,"Their red velvet cake is the best thing here ". Turning around i came face to face with one of the most beautiful men i have ever seen.

Dominick pov

Getting in my most prized possession,a 2016 Ferrari (A/N if that even exist.. Idk) I head to my favorite cafe, Leakys Coffee&Sweets , and go inside. As i go up to the register, i hear a gentle but firm voice say "Hmmm, this is my first time coming here, whats the most popular thing here ". "Their red velvet cake is the best thing here " I responded before the cashier. She turns around and i am met with beauty. Dark chocolate skin, full lips, Dark eyes and a head full of wild curly hair. The piercings were a plus! She looks up at me and for a minute we just stare at each other before she turns back around. "Well i guess I'll try the red velvet cake and a ice coffee please" she say. "Alrighty, that'll be 7.34" the cashier responds. She gives the cashier a $10 and tell her to keep the change. She steps to the side and i move foward to order. "I want a piece of your red velvet cake and a black coffee " . After paying for my food, i look over and see the girl sitting at a table in the corner. Grabbing my food, i make my way over to her. "Can i sit here" i ask. She jumps a little before looking up "Sure" she answers with a small smile. Sitting down, i offer my hand "Dominick Smith " she takes it "Naomi Jennings ". "Its nice to meet you Naomi, what made you want to come here"I ask."Well i like trying new things, what made you want to sit here" she asks back. "Your a very beautiful women and i couldnt pass the opportunity to get to know you" i say and let me tell you, i surprised myself with that one. Im never this talkative when it comes to women, hell im never the first one to approach, but something about this girl just makes me so damn social. "Well thank you, your not to bad yourself " she smiles . My phone goes off and i see i have a meeting in 30 minutes. I focus my attention back onto Naomi "Im sorry to cut this breakfast short but i have a meeting in 30, but i would love to see you again , How about dinner tonight at 8:00" i ask , a little nervous but i do a great job of covering it up. "Its fine, and i would like that" she responds. We exchange numbers and go our separate way. 'Wow' i think to myself ' I've got an actual date'.

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