Never Again

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Naomi pov

To say i was shocked would be an understatement, i was down right pissed, surprised,shocked,confused all at once! 'Why is this hoe at my door and why is she standing by my man?!' i thought to my self
We were standing there in a awkward silence after i informed nicky on who she was.
"Listen Naomi, can we just let bygones be bygones. Im terribly sorry i dont know what i was thinking,and i miss the crap out of my Bestfriend so what do say, can we start over?" kira says breaking the silence.
"Do you really think you can come to my apartment with that half ass , sorry ass apology and i would forgive you?! You act like you didnt do anything bad, BITCH YOU FUCKED MY MAN!" i yell, heart beating out of control, breathing hard. Kira just stood there looking stupid and finally walked away. Nicky walked into my apartment and as i started to apologize for him having to see that he grabbed me in a hug.
"Its ok darling, i understand and if it were me i probably would've done worst " he said making me smile. " well go take your shower so we can get our day started" I told him.
"Yes ma'am " he said making me giggle again.

Dominick pov

After the whole altercation i figured naomi could use a fun day out to get her mind off things. To be honest, i dont see how he could have cheated on naomi with kira. I mean yea kiras a pretty girl but naomi beats her by a long run in my personal opinion.
"Where are we going" naomi asks, snapping me out of my thinking. We were currently sitting in my car trying to think of a place to go before my mind wondered off.
"Where ever you want to go darling" i told her.
"Hmmm, can we go skating i haven't been in forever and its so much fun" she asked
That's not really what i wanted to do but if it made her happy then i was all for it
"Sure darling " i said while pulling out of the complex. Skating it is

A/n im so sorry I haven't updated. I've been going through some things at home and. We had to move so I've been getting situated. I know this short but i promise im working on a nice and long juicy chapter for you guys so yeaaa love you guys


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