Moving In?

187 11 2

Niomie pov

I pull into Nicky's drive way and park my car to get out. Nicky has a nice 2 story home. It's huge to me, especially of your living alone. I get out of my car and lock my doors, than make my way up his walk way to knock on the door. As I'm reaching my arm and hand up to knock, the door suddenly swings open revealing a grinning Dominick.

"You're here finally" he says as he scoops me up into his arms as if im a child.
Giggling, I reply " How did you know I was outside about to knock?" I ask

He put me back down onto my feet, and cradle's my face in his huge palms.

"I heard you pull in, I've been waiting for you, I'm cooking dinner as we speak, so you go sit and rest. I know you must be tired from being on your feet all day" he rushes out as he pecks my lips and lead my to the living room. I sit down and he takes the seat next to me.
"Nicky I really appreciate you worrying about me, but please don't treat me like I'm fragile. I promise I'm okay" I say with a gentle smile grabbing his hand into my own.

Nicky places a kiss to the back of my hand. "I know darling, and I'll try my best to not over worry, But you're carrying my child, which is the most exciting and scariest moment in my life, I just want to make sure you two are always okay and wanting for nothing" he finishes.

'How did I get so lucky' I think to myself. Our relationship is just new and things are moving so fast, but he's here and ready for it all. 'he loves me' my mind reminds me. Making my eyes widened in remembrance of our earlier phone call in which Nicky confessed his love for me before hanging up . 
"Does he really love me?"

"Was he just saying that because I'm having his child?"

"Am I doing the right thing even being with this man?"

Abruptly questions start running rampant in my mind. Now I'm starting to second guess myself and the whole relationship, my insecurities are sneaking their way back into the forefront of my mind.

Nicky sees my face turning down into a frown and cups my face gently into his large hands.

"What's going on in that head of yours darling?" He asks frowning.
I look up at Nicky and into his eyes.
"Nicky did you really mean it when you said you loved me. I don't want you to feel forced into this relationship with me simply because I'm carrying you child." I say.

He give me a confused look, before recognition covers his face.
"Niomie I don't want you to ever second guess my intentions or feelings for you. I know things are happening fast, but you must know that I am a man who knows what he wants. And cannot be pressured into anything. I love you. I've never felt this way about anyone else before. You make me do things that I don't normally do and not even give it a second thought as I'm doing it. You're perfect. You're smart, loving, beautiful, successful and an independent woman who isn't going to take crap from anybody. And I not only respect you, I admire you. So the thought of you carrying my child only add to the amount of joy and love I feel for you." He tells me, all the while staring deep into my eyes so I can see the truth to this words. I was speechless. I felt a wet drop sliding down my cheek and I realized it was tear. He brought tears from me with his words.

I pounce on top of his large frame raining kisses all over his face before finally zoning in onto his plump pink lips. As I kiss him, we both let out a sigh in relief.
His kisses were like a drug and I'll Always need my daily fix.
Nicky breaks the kiss, pecking my lips once, twice, three times before setting me back onto my previous spot on the couch.

"Now I'm going to go check on the food and before you ask, it's a surprise so stay your hot little ass in here until I say so please" Dominick gave me a stern look and then walked back into the kitchen.

I make myself comfortable on his couch, and immediately I am engulfed in thoughts again.

How am I going to tell my mother ... Oh my god ,how am I going to tell my mother I'm pregnant! I haven't even told her about Dominick!. How am I going to tell MY WHOLE FAMILY!

Breath niomie, in 4 seconds, out 4 seconds...

I am definitely dreading the conversation with my mom. It's not that I am ashamed of Dominick or that me and my mom don't have a good relationship, I just simply forgot to tell her.

I'd been so wrapped up in work and Dominick, I had forgotten about the rest of the world.

Let's see you climb out of this 12 foot hole you've dug for yourself..

My inner conscious scolded me. I haven't even checked in on my mother lately, me being her only child that's now flown the coop, she's now all alone.

I'm a horrible daughter...

I take my phone out and type a quick message to mother, seeing as though it is later into the evening and she might be in bed..

N: Heyy mom.. it's been a while I know, but I would really like to see you. I have so much to tell you..

Or you're to much of a whimp to even talk to her over the phone...

Ignoring the latter thought, I wait for her to reply. I just hope she's accepting.

My mother, Dalia Lynn Jennings, never made it secret that she didn't want me to have kids until I have , and I quote, "Actually experienced life". She wanted me to have a happy and fulfilling life, which is why I would never fault her, but I don't always agree. But the big kid in me could never handle a disappointed mother. Her disapproving Eyes.

It's time to grow up...

"Yes it is" I said aloud, agreeing with my thoughts. If my mom couldn't accept my child nor Dominick than it would be her lost. But I won't allow it to be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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