The Dinner

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Naomi pov

It hadnt really sunk in that i had a date until it was 7:00 and i had an hour to get ready. Walking in to my closet, i look for something to wear. Do i dress formal or casual? Damn I never even asked! Thankfully we exchanged number. Going on my iPhone 6+ i look for his contact name 'Red velvet Man' , all his idea, and shoot him a quick text.

N-heyy its naomi i was wondering should i dress formal or casual??

D-heyy, and casual is fine

Laughing at his emojis , i send him and ok and start back looking for an outfit. I settle with a tight long sleeve black shirt because it gets cool at night and some skinny jeans with my jordan Oreos. I jump in the shower and scrub my body with my lavender and vanilla scented body wash. When im finish with my hygiene, i start on my makeup and settle with a little bit of eyeliner and mascara for my eyes and lip gloss. I was never a fan of wearing a lot of make-up, i feel like it hides the real you and that you should except the skin your in. After im done , i moose my hair so my natural curls can real pop out and im done. I look at the clock and it reads 7:55, i pack my purse and i sit on my couch and turn on the tv while i wait for him to arrive.

At exactly 8:00 i hear a knock on the door, i check my self one more time before i yell im coming. Opening the door i come face to face with my Adonis. "You look beautiful " he say while pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. "Thank you, you dont look to bad yourself " i say , looking over him. He's wearing a burgundy button up with a nice pair of jeans and some loafers. I guess i was staring a little to long because he clears his throat to get my attention. I look back up and he has a smirk on his face. 'Thank god for my darkskin' i think to myself, i am blushing too hard. Locking my door he takes my hand and leads us out my apartment building. "Where are we going?" i ask, he smiles " Thats for me to know, and you to find out darling" he replied. Blushing because he called me darling i look down. He leads to this nice car, i have no idea what the name was. Im not a car person as you can tell. He opens the door for me and i get in. Pulling off, we sit in comfortable silence until his phone goes off . He looks at it ,sighs and answer " Hello mother.."

Dominick pov

Everything is going fine and then my mom calls. Dont get me wrong, i love my mother to death, she's just really naggy and doesn't know when to mind her business. "Hello mother" i say. "Nicky why haven't you talked to your mother in 2 weeks!?" she say " im sorry mother, i've been very busy with work and i dont have time to chit chat in the phone" "So you dont have time for your mother !?" "of course i do mother, just not to talk on the phone" "Same difference" she yells. Rolling my i eyes i repy "Mother can we talk about this later, im kind of in the middle of something right now" i glance over at naomi to see her trying to keep a laugh in. "  Alright, but you better come to sunday dinner and you can bring a date aslong as it isnt that red head bimbo you brought last time " i have a flash back of when i brought my ex katie to dinner. Total fucking disasters. But thats a story for another time. "Alright mother, i love you, goodbye " "love you too, byebye" hanging up the phone, namoi burst out laughing. I look at the road , turning a little red. "Aww is little nicky blushing" "no" i say. " Its alright, i think its cute" she says "So you think im cute"? I ask smiling. I guess its her turn to blush because she faces forward with her head down a little "Its ok darling, i think your cute too" i say.

Pulling up to a litte family owned restaurant that I've been coming too since i was a boy. The owners name is is Owen and he's my father best friend. I hadnt been in awhile due to being busy working and i thought it would be the perfect place to bring naomi. Getting out i go to the other side and open the for her. "Thank you" she say "no problem. She walks ahead of me and i cant help but to stare at her ass. It was perfect, not to big, not to small, not too jiggly and not to stiff. Thinking of the things that i could do to that ass had me going hard against my jeans. Needing to cool down i. Catch up to her waking side by side. I open the door for her and ahe walks in. I see owen coming to greet us " If it isnt little ole nicky, how ya been i haven't seen you in ages" he greets ,laughing i reply" Hey Owen , I've been great , the business is keeping me busy." he gives me a hug and looks to my side" and who's this chocolate delight"? He asked giving naomi and wink and a sly smile " Back down old man, she's all mine" i say Pulling naomi into my side. She hits my shoulder and introduces her self " Hi im Naomi, its nice to meet you " " likewise sweetcheeks" he replys. "Come lets get you guy seated.

Naomi pov

"So what do you do Mr. Business man"? I asked. "Well im CEO of Smith's Storing, which is a storage unit facilities that lets other businesses rent out space for ther shit or whatever" he says " wow you sound so enthusiastic about it" i say sarcastically. He laughs, one of the most sexiest I've ever heard, "Its definitely not my favorite thing in the world, but it pays the bills. So what about you, what do you do?" he asks. "Im a Phlebotomist "I reply "And what made you want to draw blood" he ask. "Nothing made me want to do it, it was just quick, easy to learn and pays enough to get by" i say "hmmm" he says. "So why is a handsome man like yourself single" i ask 'time to get down to the real questions' i think to myself. "Well im not really a people person ,this is actual the first date I've been on in years to be honest, most people say im emotionless so to avoid the drama and heartbreak i choose to stay single" he says " So what makes me so special that you ask me on a date?" i ask, feeling all special and shit."Your different, i cant really explain,i just feel some type of connection with you, and it's a plus that your insanely beautiful, but you just make me want to try again". By the end of his speech im about to fall over. If i was lightskin i would be as red as a stop sign. "You sure know how to make a girl blush " i giggle . he gives me a dazzling smile making me melt into a chocolate puddle in my seat. " I try " he replys.

The rest of the date went on great. We laughed,and really got to know each other. And let me tell you, that man has a way with his words! Had me wanting to jump his bones a couple of times, but by the grace of god i held my composure. As we drove back to my place he held my hand the entire time. We got out and he walked me to my door . "I had a great time with you naomi" he says in a husky voice , getting closer every word. Smiling i say" I had a great time with aswell nicky" using his new name for me "Forgive me for asking, but can i have a kiss for good luck " he asks smiling. I laugh "sure". I lean in and peck his plump pink lips. Leaning back he grabs the back of my head gently and kisses me again, starting a full on make out session in the hallway. I break away when his large hands slide behind me and grips my ass, making my already wet core, soaking. I pull away flustered and out of breath and smile " I'll call you " he says pecking my lips one more time and leaving. Unlocking my door and walking into my apartment, i fall onto my couch in a daze. 'Wow' i think to myself.

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