Life's boring without people, people who care...

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Jungkook used to live with his mom, his father had passed away when he was just 3, and it was all old jungkook never let his emotions catch him, he used to think that everything happens for a reason and leave it. He was a very goal-oriented boy. Nothing mattered to him that much, not even emotions, and since he used to live with his mother a younger sister, he was always seen as the only man of the house when he knew the sacrifices his mom made for him and his sister, who was 2 years younger than him, Sooyoung, 14 very bubbly and cute, shy at first but crazy when you know her. 

Jungkook never really enjoyed being in relationships, but he respected all females very much. Jungkook was all sour with relationships until he met, Jennie, jisoo's best friend. 

Jennie was the very cheesy, gonna go out for it kinda girl which jungkook had never seen, where he thought never would he ever fall in love or want to, one sight of this girl changed his opinions, he used to forget his problem looking at her, they were the perfect match for each other. When Sooyoung got to know that, she was over the moon, Sooyoung never got along with her classmates, she felt like they were all too much for her, but she used to mingle with the seniors who enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed being with them. 

Jennie and Sooyoung were also quite close and friendly, Though Jennie was most of the time with Jisoo and Jisoo herself was always alone in a corner listening to music and making notes or just doodling, in her own little world, where no one screamed at her, taunted her or said anything to her. Jisoo had never met anyone like Jennie, this girl so friendly with her unlike others, who always left her alone, even in her sad times, but she always thought it wasn't their fault, because she had shown them a perfect world, and not her shitty life behind it, the trauma she had was not told to that many people, she kept it all to herself, she knew that people wouldn't like her if they knew her life, and would think of her as a selfish rich kid who was just ungrateful for her life. 

But while this introverted jisoo was in her world, someone was waiting to come into it, without even knowing anything about her. It was obvious Taehyung liked Jisoo, but what would he do, even he doesn't know what he was feeling, is it the Taehyung who was so scared to be in love or be loved, falling for someone? He didn't know what this new feeling was, but he enjoyed it, alot. This feeling of having a spec of emotions for someone, after his brother. 

"Hey princess, still listening to music and scribbling in your book I see" Taehyung said to Jisoo who was startled by his appearance out of the blue.

She looked up to see the long hair, cold, boy looking at her with a slight smirk, "Why do you care?"

"Aren't you gonna go for lunch?"Taehyung asked her, his emotions were somehow visible, but only to her, he seemed quite angry to see her skipping meals.

"No, I'm not hungry" Jisoo replied sternly, her voice made his anger melt, but he knew that she was hungry, she was just killing the feeling with music and doodles, but her face showed that she hadn't normally had food for quite some days.

"Ok, suit yourself I guess" Taehyung said in a teasing but serious way, but he didn't go anywhere just sat in the chair beside her.

"Why are you still here? Can't you just leave me alone?" Jisoo asked, she looked annoyed, he knew it wasn't from his presence, it was probably because she was irritated without food.

"I'm not hungry too" Taehyung said, he was clearly lying as he wasn't making eye contact with her, and looked unsure. 

Jisoo looked at him with a confused face, but he didn't seem to notice, or atleast that's what she thought.

"You're lying, leave me alone and go" Jisoo broke the silence and ordered, but who was he to listen to her, she knew that he wasn't gonna go away, but nor was she. So they stayed, both of them, no contact but it felt good, to both of them, Jisoo felt something ignite in her, it surely was new to her too, but he made her feel comfortable and less insecure. 

Then as usual the bell rang and the class ran back, Jennie and Jungkook the new lovebirds of the class, everyone except Jennie knew that Jungkook liked her, and everyone except Jungkook knew Jennie also liked him back, but no one dared to speak a word, because, well, they both were such good friends, no one wanted to see any of them sad. Jennie, Jungkook, Taehyung and jisoo were all in the same class, Jisoo wanted to talk to others but she stuck with jennie more, thats how she also got to know Jungkook, and the second Jennie introduced Jungkook to her, Jisoo was smirking at her, but then suppressed her laughter said greeted them and went back to her own little world and place she had created for herself.

It was history class, but the teacher was on leave so the class was left alone, and where, the other couples were busy talking, some girls busy dissing at people, there was jungkook staring as jisoo, and no one noticed, thankfully. Jisoo felt something unusual, but it was just the warmth she got from taehyung who was right beside her, and jungkook and jennie were in front of them both of them talking, and trying to get to know each-other more, so they can understand each-other's feelings.

"People let's play a game" Jungkook said to his 3 fellas, while taehyung and jennie instantly looked up and agreed jisoo was just silent, no one knew what she was thinking while listening to songs, when jennie shaked her and woke her up.

"Y-Yes, w-what? what happened" Jisoo was startled when jennie repeated what Jungkook said, and Jisoo agreed too.

They were playing truth or dare, The game was going good, it was the first time Taehyung saw her smile, but something about it felt off, her smile looked forced, but she was happy, there was something constantly going on in her mind.

This time, Jisoo was asking Jennie,

"Truth or dare, Jen?" Jisoo said in a kind of happy way, and forced smile but she was actually happy, so no one knew what she was feeling, and nor did she.

"Truth!!!!" Jennie exclaimed.

And that was the moment jisoo smirked and asked "Who is your crush jennie, you can't lie?"

"Umm....Do I have to say?" Jennie tried to persuade her with her puppy eyes

"Yes Jen, you have to" Jisoo said, on which jennie made a cute angry face

"ok ok, its....NO ONE, PSYCHE I AIN'T GOT ANY CRUSH" Jennie said, while everyone knew it wasn't true, but they laughed it off, though Jisoo was side-eyeing her the whole time.

And they continued with this game until the end of the day where Jennie and Jisoo went together and Taehyung and Jungkook went together.

"Why did you lie, Jennie"Jisoo asked jennie in a serious tone.

"Jisoo, I don't know his feelings so I am not going to tell him I love him" Jennie said in a rather similar tone.

Both of them continued the conversation, and bid farewell in front of jennie's house.

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