Magic of the Celene

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Morning 6.00, The girls woke up, laughing at each other and themselves because of how their hair looked in the morning.

They got ready, made breakfast,  and set off to school.

At school, they met their two other shitheads.

The day felt quite gloomy, and it was, the whole class was, because they were notified of a math test, everyone hated math, but no one hated it as much as Jisoo did, how much ever she tried to do good in it, the teacher always made her look like a fool. Yes she was a fool, a fool for her parents' love, a fool who got bullied, a fool who can't take care of herself, and a fool for academic validation.

"So everyone ready for the test?" Jennie asked and broke the silence in the quad,

"No" the boy replied, while Jisoo was busy scribbling in her book and making notes as always.

"Jisooo calmm downnnn don't worryyy" Jennie tried to cheer her soul sister up, but she just got  a look and nod from her.

Jisoo didn't take the test lightly, she gave her everything, even if she would fail that she couldn't, if she did, her parents would try to kill her for sure. 

"IS EVERYONE'S ATTENTION HERE?''The math teacher came.

"Let's start with the test now"This math teacher woman was unemotional, she just wanted her portion to be done, she could kill people for that.

Everyone got the test, they all looked confused as hell, only jisoo was doing the test.

After the dreadful hour, it was english which was much more chill, the teacher wasn't present so it was a free class, While everyone was having fun, Jisoo was stressing about her test and still studying. After which was lunch break. The whole class went while Jisoo stayed, still studying, and this time no one stayed and called her to lunch, but it didn't matter to her. She just studied, until the end of the day, when the math teacher gave the results, she got 15/20.

For others that might seem good, but She didn't like it, 5 marks?! she could have done better, and the marks were cut because of silly mistakes. She never really cried, but this and so much studying still got her marks cut, and she knew her success thirsty parents would kill her for this.

She was sad.

Very sad.

But she couldn't do anything.

So she let it go, calmed herself down, drank water, and listened to music.

Listening to music made her really calm and happy, it took her to a different world, where she was happy.

After which she went home, where there was the same things, her chores and studying.

"Come have dinner Jisoo!" Jisoo's mom said,

"No Omma, I'm not hungry, I ate at school" Jisoo denied.

That was a lie, she didn't eat at school, but she didn't want to, she didn't want to go back to that image where everyone hurt her. and bullied her, for how she looked.

"HOW UNGRATEFUL OF YOU JISOO, DO YOU NOT WANT TO LIVE WITH THE US ANYMORE? YOU DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY." her dad as usual screamed at her, which she just ignored even if it hurt her.

"I would like to be left alone." She said while typing on her computer, she was doing an assignment.

At that both her parents left, her father looked angry, and her mother trying to calm him. Well yesterday wasn't the night he lost his temper, she wasn't scared of him, but she was.

It was at 10.30pm at night where it got worse, she heard smashes, screams and cries, they were her parents fighting as usual, well it was normal for her, but then she heard her own name, they said terrible things about her, she wanted to burn herself, cut herself, peel of her skin, but she could do nothing. Well she was trying to make it not matter to her, though that didn't work, she still was bothered by it all. She went out, and tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't budge, and she got hurt there too, her mom shrugging her hand of, her dad trying to choke her, her sister doing nothing.

She couldn't calm them down, she loved all of them dearly, so dearly that she hated and killed herself to be loved by them, they couldn't love her, and when they did try, she was already too done with them, she didn't want to go back, to the little girl, crying, wanting to peel her skin off, and scratching herself.

With this much trauma enough for the night, she saw the fight, got hurt, and left, but she left to go out, she snuck out from her balcony and went out to get coffee, at midnight, with her phone and laptop, she walked to the coffee shop which was close by, her usual spot to be.

Jisoo got her coffee and sat out in the cold grass, staring at the moon and stars, when she felt a little tap on her shoulder, guess who it was? Kim Taehyung!

"The wannabe gangstar it is" Jisoo said, slyly smirking and glaring at the boy who looked at her with his big doe eyes, someone looking like that surely would have made anyone melt, but not her, she was strong, she had her father's wrath and her mother's care, being a mix with her elder sister being a little cute bubbly baby with her, balanced her out perfectly.

"Not a wannabe you know, Everyone in the school loves me" Tae said beaming with pride,

"Uh huh, sure spoiled brat" Jisoo rubbed it on his face.

"Yea I know I am very spoiled" Tae said with a sarcastic smile following an eye roll.

Then he sat beside her, looking at the stars, fighting the urge to keep staring at her.

Well no one could deny Jisoo looked adorable and hot in her cargo pants, oversized tops, and messy hair.

And she found him staring at her, when he saw that he quickly averted his gaze.

Trying to hide her smirk, she sipped her coffee.

"Uhm, So we gotta start working on the project right?" Taehyung said, slightly embarrassed about the incident that happened.

"What project?" She looked in her eyes with a confused look, and boy did she look adorable making that face, he couldn't help but smile.

"WHAT PROJECT TAEHYUNG DON'T SCARE ME"Jisoo said, she was always someone who needed academic validation.

"Sorry not a project, I was talking about the assignment, the maths one" He said with an embarrassed but cute expression.

"Oh that one" She calmed down.

"Yeah I'm already halfway done with it, I'll complete it later" She said.

''I didn't understand the questions'' He lied to her, he just wanted to talk to her,

"I can help" She said, though she wasn't looking forward to a conversation with the dumb bitch, talking to him made her forget about the things that happened some time ago.

so they both did that, it took them almost one and a half hour to complete that.

And so after they were done, they said bye and left.

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