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Elijah kept running and running.. he knows I can't run that much. What the fu- freak is he doing.

"Okay okay! Fine.. I'll stop.. if you kiss me."
what- WHAT?

"What?.. why did you-"
He cuts me off with a kiss.. omg.. his lips are so soft.. I could.. just... kidding him more, nothing will happen right?..

We're in my room now.. and.. he's.. letting me sit on his lap in my chair.. omg.. I can't believe this.. the boy I've been crushing on.. is my friend and.. let's me sit on his lap and. Kiss him.

"You okay Lucas? You can tell me anything."
Omg.. how do I tell him I like him.. maybe.. later. It won't do much I tell him later. Right?

"Do you like me~? Come onnnn.. tell me."
I think he figured it out.. shit- I mean uh. Dang.

"No- noooo.. I don't like anyone at the moment.. but.. I mean.. I do like someone.. but I won't tell who. I'll tell how they're like."

Omg.. he'll know for sure if I say how my crush is.. which. Is him but.. I don't want him to know! What if he thinks I'm weird for liking him as a crush! Because we're friends.. and I don't think friends like their other friends like that.. oh god.. help me.

"Fine.. but you better tell me who soon!!"
Elijah begged.. oh god.. why is he so cute..- wait. Isn't that weird, to call your friend cute?..
Whatever.. it's not a big deal.. right?

"Well.. he-"


Oh no.. I just said my crush is a boy.. and- I mean.. it is true.. he is a boy.. omg. I love Elijah so much. Dang. Okay. Whatever works.

"Yes- let me tell how my crush is.. well.. my crush is taller than me.. and he's a bit older than me.. and- omg he has this seductive voice! I love him so much.. I don't think I can confess to him.. I wish I could tell y- I mean.. him."

Omg.. I almost exposed myself.. it's okay Lucas. No need to worry.

"Really? Tell me how he looks like."

Elijah.. looks.. jealous? But he's never like that- WAIT.. DONT TELL ME HE LIKES ME BACK!

"Well- he dyed his hair.. blonde.. and he's.. hot.. very hot. He has slightly long hair, he looks like an angel.. he loves to style his hair with his fingers.. it's so funny how much I love y- HIM!"

I almost exposed myself again. It's okay Lucas.. at least I said a lie that his hair was blonde.. it's red rn.. oh my god I love Elijah.


It's now snowing in my area😈 so I hope I don't have school tomorrow, i also don't wanna do the tests or wtv on April, at least I don't have a science exam.. okay goodbye ILYYYYY STAY SAFE

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