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We kept doing it until it was 3 am.. I was very sore, at least it was summer.. us 17 year olds.. doing this? Isn't it too extreme? Haha.. fuck.. I'm getting this cursing habit from Elijah.. imma need him to sleep with one eye open.

I woke up.. we were in my bed together, still naked, but still worth it. Elijah was still asleep so i don't know what to do except look at the view outside of the window.. thinking of us being seniors tomorrow.. we're gonna turn 18 in a few days.. he's gonna turn 18.
Before me..

"Lucas?.. are you awake?"
Oh Elijah woke up! He's so pretty when he's sleepy..

"Mhm.. you okay? Did you sleep well?"
Why am I so worried.. I mean.. we are in a relationship- I think.. can I call him my boyfriend? Omg he's so pretty!!

"Mhm.. I'm hungry honey.. can we eat in a bit?"
Ahh.. such a Elijah thing to say. He's always hungry. Even in breakfast. Good thing my mom made caldo.

"Mhm, my mom made caldo since it was a bit cold outside. I heard it's gonna snow on Monday!"
I love the snow! Well.. Elijah doesn't like the cold.. but I won't force him to do anything.. omg I love him!

"Lucassss.. you know I hate the cold. But I'll only go if you kiss me before and after."

Awh.. he's so cute. He's always wanting to have something when he's gonna do something he doesn't like. I guess it's normal.

"Yeah of course!! We should go 20 minutes after we eat the caldo, so we still have a bit of heat in our chests. It's better than freezing with no warmth in your chest. Or system.. not sure."

Ugh.. I started talking too much didn't I? I hope he doesn't mind. I mean I've done this before.. so I don't why it's a big deal right now.. wait- why is he looking at me like that-

"Yeah of course babe.. god you're so cute when you're excited about something.. it's like you're a little kid again."
Hey! He can't talk to me like that.. I mean I do let him.. he's my lovely boyfriend

"Wait.. Elijah.. ITS MORNING?!"


I guess Lucas was uh.. sore.. very sore. Anyways 😈 watch out for other things imma put here, and also I'll be doing this maybe after school, or if I forget.. then.. I'll figure it out.

And good news..


So I can give you guys new things when I'm still at home.. kinda sick.. okay bye ily and stay safe!

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