- EAT -

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"Nice view at the window, hm?"
I asked when he was looking out of the window.. it is very beautiful outside. I gotta get out caldo before it's too late.. sometimes I forget Lucas is Mexican.. and.. I always thought he was wasian. Hm.. either way. He's beautiful.

"Oh! Elijah! Did my mom tell you that you could live in our house? My mom knew that you were living alone sooo.. she decided to let you be in our house, and the best thing is.. we get to be in my room!!"

He really is happy.. so cute.
I chuckle as I shake my head, not knowing his mom said that.

"No.. well.. I wanna live with you guys.. specially you. Remember when my sister tried flirting with your sister?"

Lucas giggles and nods, he's so cute and sweet. A "pure" "innocent" soul.. not so pure and innocent last night.

"Yeah! And my sister had to tell her that she was straight.. I wonder how they are since they're at uni together. Ahh.. we'll never know.. what if they're together!!! Ahh!!"

He's the type of person to assume things. But, I don't mind. As long as i don't lose him. I'll be right by his side. Always.

"Yeah.. imagine.."
Fuck.. I can't let him catch me staring at him.. even thought we're.. boyfriends.. I can't let him think I'm that type of boyfriend.

"Oh- I forgot! The caldo! Did you get it honey?"
I guess I did kinda forget.. but at least I still got it.

"Oh- yeah. I forgot too, I left it in the counter between us."

"Ah! Okay! Let's eat."
We started eating until Lucas asked something.. unexpected.

"So Elijah.. what does eat.. me out mean?"
what the fuck Lucas..


I know the ending was VERY unexpected but.. I hope you're gonna enjoy the next thing imma do the next post 😈


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