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Naeun out the flower vase which had colourful lilies inside it, grandmother's favourite. she looked out of the cozy villa to see the garden which had lots of roses. Oh how it was her dream to have a small house with a garden by the countryside and have her little fairytale come true. She smiled, reading her book by the window. "You've been looking at this page for two hours, lily" her grandmother said.

Lily was a nickname given by her grandmother. Meaning how, like a lily no matter how she'd always be innocent and pure as one. Naeun lived with her grandparents until she was thirteen when she had to move back to the city, far away from her them but she'd always come back atleast once a year to visit them.

"Oh, sorry I was just distracted" she said with a smile while her grandmother just shook her head before sitting down beside her only granddaughter "Don't apologise, my love" she said before holding her hand
before looking at the garden where butterflies danced around "What are you thinking of? You haven't called me a crazy brat yet" she said which made the older smile.

"Grandma's getting old, lily" Meiyi said, releasing a heavy sigh at the end. "Spring is green, isn't it?" She asked suddenly which made Naeun raise her eyebrow in amusement at her grandmother's charisma of either  being soft and telling her off. "Spring is a lucky season, Naeun. It's at the middle of summer and winter, the legends say that spring is green as it makes all the wishes ocome true."

"I thought you didn't believe in legends and the only legend is you" Naeun said with a chuckle which made Meiyi laugh too before she started at the distance again "Spring makes me remember your grandfather" she said while caressing her wedding ring "He used to live in the garden" Naeun said with a chuckle "He was always so happy when you came over, as if it was Christmas"

"Grandma has to go one day or the other, you know?" Meiyi said in a serious tone to her granddaughter "Why are we talking about this, I'll go make tea-" Naeun said, not wanting to have this conversation at all "Naeun" Meiyi said which made her stop "I'm getting weak Naeun, I won't last long at all. A year fully if I'm lucky" she said which made Naeun freeze "I want you to have this property when I die Naeun, your grandfather would have" she said which made Naeun look down.

Before she could continue, Naeun's phone rang and she went to pick it up before coming back to see Meiyi drinking her coffee before turning back to face Naeun "What happened, sweet?" She asked while Naeun sighed "It was my mom's assistant, she wants me to go to brother's and get the files on my way" Meiyi scoffed "She could've called you herself instead of busying her assistant for this" she grumbled before sending her granddaughter off with a long hug.


Naeun sat in the car as she looked outside to see a park. More importantly, the kids that played in there, they smiled so bright as if they didn't fear the world. The little girl played with her parents and laughed as they tickled her, a bittersweet smile forming on Naeun's face as she remembered her childhood as she fiddled with her hands, the cold air making her cough Oh how she hated it.

The driver, Mr Kang had been with her since she was born. He had always felt bad for her, thinking it wasn't fair for her to be all alone as the others had their mothers and fathers to care for them yet she had no one but the maids in that large hollow and empty mansion.

"How about we stop here for a bit of you're feeling unwell, Young miss" he said which made her get out of the trance "No it's fine, drive to my brother's please" she said which made him nod and change the route as they went to Minhyung's.

She knocked on the door which opened to see Yeonhee standing there looking shocked at her about to be sister in law "Hi Na, Why are you here?" She asked before letting the girl in who grunted as the took off her black heels "I was visiting grandmother" she said while Yeonhee grabbed her fuzzy slippers. Yeonhee looked at the younger's outfit, a sunny pastel pink dress with a turtleneck did not seem comfortable in this weather.

Spring is green | Kim Gyuvin Where stories live. Discover now