☽[The Young Fox Spirt]☾

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Guess what time it isss!!!! Yup, time for another Taiko OC!
Before we start though, you can't forget the trigger warnings!
TW: Death, suicide
With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road!

Guess what time it isss!!!! Yup, time for another Taiko OC!Before we start though, you can't forget the trigger warnings!TW: Death, suicideWith that out of the way, let's get this show on the road!

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This is Kikumune, he's a little kitsune fox spirit drum! He actually plays a big part in Warrior's life, so time to see the loreeeeee!!!!

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This is Kikumune, he's a little kitsune fox spirit drum! He actually plays a big part in Warrior's life, so time to see the loreeeeee!!!!

Before he was the way he is now, Kikumune did live a life as a normal living drum who, like Warrior, had a friend who had a lover! However, this lover wouldn't be responsible for the death of Kikumune's friend.
You see, Kikumune was quite the trickster when he was alive, and the tricks he played would often get him and his friend in trouble. One day though, Kikumune ended up pulling a prank that took it too far and resulted in him accidentally taking the lives of both his friend and their lover. The guilt tormented Kikumune for months on end, to the point he couldn't take it anymore and killed himself at the age of 10.
Once he made it to the afterlife, he was turned into a kitsune fox spirit and decided to reside in an abandoned shrine for what seemed like forever....until Warrior came along. Somehow, something had drawn Warrior to this shrine, and it didn't take long for Kikumune to realize that Warrior was going through a similar situation as him. He wouldn't let Warrior just carelessly commit suicide because of guilt even though he had so much to live for, though.
From the day they met, Kikumune took a sort of "older brother figure" role over Warrior, protecting him, teaching him a few things he remembered being taught by his friend and their lover, and even finding a way to get Akune and Warrior to meet so Warrior could have more of a reason to keep living. Even now, Kikumune still makes sure to watch over Warrior even though he's doing way better.
No matter what, Kikumune will always watch over Warrior, the one child who's life he wanted to save the most.

Pretty neat, huh?
Now that you know the whole story, it's fact time!

-Kikumune's last name, Damasu, is Japanese for decieve, while his first name can mean something along the lines of "a aromatic, dreamlike illusion". The interesting thing is, smell can attract people to its source, just like how there was some sort of spirital energy that drew Warrior towards the abandoned shrine Kikumune lived in.
-Of course, Kikumune has his opinions about my other Taiko OCs too! He absolutely adores Akune's childishness, and he admires Suzu-Taberu's strong work ethic! As for Koro, he is well aware about what is going on with Koro's soul, but isn't unsettled by it at all and gets along with Koro really well!
-Kikumune was based off of the Kikuo song called "The Good Child and The Fox Spirit".
-Younger kitsune foxes generally only have two tails, hence why Kikumune only has two tails instead of nine. (I also can't draw nine tails on a drum for the life of me. In fact, I can't draw nine tails on ANY character.)
-Of course, even though Kikumune has had a change of heart when it comes to tricks and doesn't pull them off as often, he's still pretty good at decieving people when needed. However, it seems he'd never want to trick Warrior in a way that could get him seriously harmed.

And last but not least, here's Kikumune's RP icon! -> [✽]

That's all I have for Kikumune! Until next time, pals!

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