☠︎︎[Too Late.]☠︎︎

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You know how I said in the chapter for Warrior that I would discuss his trauma in a later chapter? Yeah, this is that chapter! Make sure you take a look at the trigger warnings first before proceeding!
TW: Death (implied in the art, explicitly stated in the text after the art.), I don't know if lots and lots of text scattered about in an image can make a person feel overstimulated but I just wanted to warn you just in case it can.
Now, let me tell you about a particular event that happened to Warrior, one that would stay with him for the rest of his life....

Now, let me tell you about a particular event that happened to Warrior, one that would stay with him for the rest of his life

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Back in the day, Warrior had a friend named Amaki. He loved Amaki dearly, since she was his first, and at the time, best friend.
One day, Amaki started dating someone. This new boyfriend of hers was everything she ever wanted in a lover: strong, kind, and willing to treat her right. He was perfect!
...or was he?
You see, the version of this man that Amaki saw was NOTHING like who he truly was. In reality, he was cruel, manipulative, evil, and Warrior saw right through him.
For the next few months, Warrior constantly tried to warn Amaki that this man might not be safe to be around, but Amaki never listened. She just shrugged off Warrior's warnings as him being too hostile for no reason, like usual. She never saw the red flags dangling right in front of her face.
After some time, Amaki would be murdered by her boyfriend, who ran away to somewhere else so he wouldn't be caught. Warrior was left to mourn Amaki's death, feeling guilt and anger. He would never feel the happiness of talking to someone he cared for dearly ever again....at least, not until he met a few certain people. But that was a long time away...

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