♬[The Small Yet Strong Spirit of the Melody Grove]♬

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And we now return to the Taiko OCs! And hey, looks like this one doesn't have much trauma either, pretty cool!
Now it's about time you see her!

This is Daiani, she's a denden daiko! She's a kind and innocent girl who lives in the Melody Grove, a magical and musical forest nearby Omiko City

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This is Daiani, she's a denden daiko! She's a kind and innocent girl who lives in the Melody Grove, a magical and musical forest nearby Omiko City. There, she spends her days playing her violin and interacting with the forest critters, who sometimes even join her in making music! Of course, she also visits Omiko City quite often to particpate in the festivals, although she does want to learn how to play a more traditional instrument so she can use that to perform with at the festivals.

Okay, let's hear some facts about her!

-Daiani's eyes are meant to resemble the tomoe symbol that's usually painted onto many Japanese taiko drums, and her socks are meant to resemble a sort of grip for the handle of a denden daiko!
-Daiani is 8 years old, making her the 3rd oldest of my Taiko OCs. (The 1st oldest is Suzu-Taberu who is somewhere in his early 20s, and the 2nd oldest is Kikumune who is 10.)
-Since Daiani's arms are string, they will get rather flimsy when she's shocked, surprised, or caught off guard.
-The reason I made Daiani play the violin is to corespond with the main Taiko No Tatsujin girls, as they're all seen being capable of making some type of art! Donko can dance (that's a visual performance art), Hana can do calligraphy (that's a visual art), and Water Mariko can sing (that's a musical performance art), so I gave Daiani the ability to play an instrument (that's also a musical performance art) to compliment this idea.
-Daiani met Warrior, Akune, and Kikumune in the Melody Grove when they decided to explore it, and she'd later meet Koro and Suzu-Taberu while visiting Omiko City.
-Besides festivals, you can also often find Daiani visiting the Thunder Shrine and/or hanging out with one of the residents of Omiko City while she's there!

And we wouldn't want you to leave without knowing her icon too, so here it is! -> [𖧷]

And with that, this chapter is over! Bye bye!

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