Chapter 2

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Queen Isabella was well known for her galleries with canvases depicting love and loss, something that Lady Sálenos knew very well. She and Prince Sancho were arranged to have these three days to get acquainted with one another.

"Isabella is such a pestering old bitch" Sálenos thought. It wasn't how Lady Sálenos imagined her life would be; however, if this was to be what God had planned for her, then who could she be to question him? "I apologize if my mother's chosen pieces come off as strange; she always did have an enigmatic view of the world," Sancho laughed.

"In spite of these bizarre works, perhaps we can find some hidden meaning," Lady Sálenos proposed devoid of sarcasm she sought to imply but presumed it to be a foul gesture to the son of said Queen.

"I suppose" Prince Sancho replied. As he wandered with Lady Sálenos just behind him, one painting in particular caught Sálenos attention. The painting depicted a grieving father holding his lifeless son in trembling arms.

"Is everything alright, Lady Sálenos?" Prince Sancho asked with his hand on her shoulder. "All is well, your highness," she replied, plastering a smile on her face, which quickly faded away once she looked back.

"My son, come!" Queen Isabella called out. Prince Sancho looked over to see his mother waving him down, fanning herself with a smug look growing on her face. Prince Sancho returned with a sigh. "Excuse me," Sancho says, hesitating within his steps as he checks back for Lady Sálenos, still facing the canvas. Desperately, she tries to break free of her gaze, yet her attempts fail, and vivid memories of Sálenos father envelope her thoughts.

In the distance, Prince Sanchos right-hand man appears, Agustín, laughing amongst the guests when he sees Lady Sálenos. "One moment," Agustín says, marching across the room. "Pardon me, I'm not sure we have met," he says, holding out his hand as Lady Sálenos looks up to see the man before her. Agustín's complexion was much deeper than Lady Sálenos, along with the texture of his hair being tightly coiled. This was her first encounter with another individual somewhat similar to her. "Please forgive me; I was-"

"It is perfectly fine." Agustín interrupted, the cadence of his voice deep yet soothing. "Do you know of loss?" Lady Sálenos spoke with softness in her voice, yearning for familiarity.

The young man thought for a moment, letting out a deep breath, not being able to face her. However, he speaks, "When I was young, my parents were taken from me and sent off to labor in the fields as I worked in the castle, until I met Prince Sancho," the corners of his lips curving up as he continued. "He was the only man to see me as his equal, in contrast to how people like us are treated."

At first glance, Agustín presented himself as very charming, but like Lady Sálenos, he too had been forcibly torn away from his family. "Now I must apologize for dampening the mood," he laughs.

"You're quite alright. I am relieved to know that I am not alone. I was taken from my village and thrust into becoming queen." Agustín is now facing Lady Sálenos, his brown eyes matching hers. "If you ever are in need of discussing these matters of loss, I will be in my chambers this evening," leaving Lady Sálenos longing for his presence.

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