Chapter 17

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The day before Sálenos escape was to be planned accordingly: have the two carcasses be hid away deep in the forest as to elude any members of the guard that Sálenos had indeed escaped with Valencia and had left her father due to his lack of strength. Secondly locate the whereabouts of Agustín's parents. Despite Sálenos being bedridden for weeks, one crucial detail that these colonizers seem to forget is the undying will inside each of these so-called savages.

"My daughter, I wish for you to know before we make this voyage that you write a letter to them. I know this land has brought nothing but suffering for you; however, I implore you to remember the people who did their best to make it less unpleasant." Sálenos father said as he had already been able to stand on his own. "Yes, father," she replied making her exit.
"Nayeli?" Sálenos father called out holding up a dress that resembled her mothers with bright colors and intricate patterns. "Thank you" Sálenos wept in her fathers arms.

Aside from sentimental conversations, Isabella had been keeping a watchful eye on Sálenos change in demeanor. Somehow, the detached appearance Isabella once saw as her pinnacle of delight seemingly changed. Unnoticeable to those with actual responsibilities and a sense of morality. "The Queen is looking much better, isn't she?" Isabella suggested with a grin that Sancho knew all too well. "Mother, whatever you have brewing in your mind, I ask you to leave it be." Sancho argued with an attitude that Isabella would typically absolve herself of locking her son in the dungeon with only scraps; however, Sancho had finally grown into the man he was meant to be, and if she was to pursue any further, Isabella required the need of another individual.

Reverberating cries echoed in the corridors as Isabella held a brown leather whip that had been infamous throughout the palace. "Tell me what she has been planning, girl," Isabella shouted as the young girl's sobs became incomprehensible. "We do not know what you speak of!" A woman pleaded as Isabella's fists clenched as she let out a sigh before making her exit, with the woman cradled the young girl in her arms as the spine of her back was marked with repeated dents with blood staining her dress. "Mother, did I do good?" The young girl stuttered, unable to breathe from her afflictions. "Yes," the woman cried with relief that her daughter had survived this sudden attack. One that befell many of the servants.

Heinous acts like these did not go unnoticed; however, in spite of Sálenos growing rage, she must remain silent to keep her motives hidden. Although many were besieged by Isabellas onslaught, they were to be given freedom if they complied, no matter how much they wished to stop Isabella, it would be in their favor to not disrupt what had been in motion. Sálenos did enjoy watching Isabella lose her mind, and eventually she was able to keep her locked away as she nearly raised her hand to Sálenos. "Daring to harm the Queen can be seen as treasonous, but due to your age, I'll forget your little tantrum and have you kept away so as not to endanger anyone else." Sálenos said with a smile, as that had been the only time the corners of her lips didn't turn into a frown.

"You imbeciles, can't you tell she is devising a scheme?" Isabella roared as the doorway closed behind her. Somehow, the woman who tormented her the most had left her with a smile. Soon nightfall had approached, and when Sancho had begun to fall asleep, Sálenos had left a note on his nightstand that read:.

"Dear Sancho, I know my time here has been cut short, but I can no longer bear this burden of neither Queen nor tilted "savior." Our relationship wasn't what you had in mind. You're a good man, and despite having authority over whether individuals like me can live, you chose to pave your own path. I have not much time, so I ask that you share this letter with Catalina and Agustín.


I know my sense of empathy has withered away into darkness, but if it means anything, the instances where we were able to steal a moment together in solitude with our eyes locked in unison were indescribable. For when the identity of the queen became intolerable, your very presence was all that mattered, and perhaps one day women could have the choice to choose who they wished to end up with.


Despite having an improper introduction, our friendship will be something I will hold close to my heart. You had been there when my mind began to slip, and even if it may have been in vain, I still respect your efforts.

Inés Sálenos of Castile

Freed from the wrappings of European fabrics "Queen Sálenos" now Nayeli once more stepped upon the same ship that brought her here with not only her father but the members of her tribe and a few other individuals in the palace that kept their promise and was granted sanctuary. They made their escape through the secret entrances throughout corridors that led to the dungeon where Sálenos uncovered a hidden door that she sought to use many years ago.

When they reached a few miles off the shore Lucia and the traitor of Nayeli's people had been under the impression that what they done had been forgiven however quickly they were brought to their knees before Nayeli. "You betrayed our people for a white mans empty promises. Anyone like you deserves no mercy," Nayeli shouted. "If you wish to make it out alive you best take my life before I take yours" Sálenos said with man's arms freed as Sálenos lunged forth with her fists.

"Are you mad?" Lucia screeched, the man's wailing cries becoming deafening in her ears, with repeated onslaughts to the man's face that, by the end, left him disfigured. Nayeli heavy breaths eventually relaxed as she turned to Lucia. "And you betraying your people when you knew what we were trying to accomplish because of revenge, you let yourself become corrupted." With a shove to the ground, Lucia swiftly sprung to her feet, prepared for hand-to-hand combat, striking Nayeli's jaw, presuming that she might lose balance. However, Nayeli adjusted her stance and returned the favor with a sharp swing that made Lucia stumble back, holding onto the ledges of the ship. "Please, I beg for mercy!" Lucia pleaded, but Sálenos wouldn't hear it and continued on.

The deck of the ship was stained crimson as Sálenos looked up to her crew. "Throw them off my ship," Nayeli commanded, with men tossing away their remains into the sea. "Traitors do not deserve to live." She may not have the means to relinquish Castile of it's cruel citizens, but her rage subsided for the time being while spending moments with her daughter, whom she renamed Nene after her mother.

Nayeli finally found pure bliss under the night sky, with the stars as her guide. Although her father could not survive the journey, she was able to bury him on native soil. Nayeli is no longer chained to the identity of a Spanish queen.

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