Chapter 10

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Amidst sentimental discussions, Lord Álvaro and General José Martín shout away from the festivities. "You were to not touch her until Prince Sancho was dealt with," José yelled, pacing back and forth with Álvaro scoffing at him, which sent Álvaro to the floor. "If you mess up my plan, I will make sure I have you locked away with the rest of the savages."
"Okay, I understand," Álvaro begged.
"What is the plan?"
"Do not concern yourself; for now, let them enjoy their lives, for one of them will die." José Martín finalized.

Despite the current state of affairs, Lady Sálenos made use of her footsteps on the dance floor, giving Prince Sancho a run for his crown. "You wound me with your abilities," Sancho huffed.
"What happened to the man that swept me off my feet days prior?" Lady Sálenos snickered.
"There are too many eyes, and I cannot control my movements without feeling concerned about what others think." Sanchos steps, becoming sloppy as he looks to his mother, her eyes piercing at him, but quickly Lady Sálenos pulls him forth in an embrace, "Let your view be on me." Lady Sálenos tone is soft yet assertive. "If you seek to free yourself, I can be your mentor."
"I would enjoy that very much," Sancho chuckled.
Their movements were a graceful interplay of connection and emotion as they swayed to the vibrant music with synchronized steps. The tender touch of Lady Sálenos hands and the warmth of her gaze conveyed an unspoken language of intimacy that Prince Sancho yearned for. "I know she may not wish to be with me however if I must live in this loveless marriage I will do my best to see her smile" Sancho thought as they continued in dance.

Lady Sálenos presumed tonight's evening was to bring no amusement, but to her shock, it was quite the opposite. Sancho and Catalina had become the angels Sálenos read about. How they shined a cascade of luminescence that demons cowered in fear of.

Before they would all be on their way, Lady Sálenos requested that Catalina speak to her in the gardens, by no means too far away from the festivities, but provided safe cover from the eyes of Isabella or members of the guard. "I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me," Sálenos cried. "I accepted that my suffering would never end, but thanks to you, I am starting to see a brighter future for us," she said, holding Catalina's hands to hers.

Catalina sniffled with wobbly lips as she spoke, "As much as I would like to take all the credit, your capability to sacrifice not only your mind but your body to protect the lives of strangers inspires me, and if I could one day help you the way you have helped me, then I would." Their lonely silhouettes were softened by the dim glow of moonlight, with a sweet fragrance of flowers amplifying Lady Sálenos's aroma that had previously taken hold of Catalina when they first met. But she composes herself as they share an embrace before leaving the gardens.

Away from teary goodbyes, Prince Sancho and Lady Sálenos begin to part, with Queen Isabella having already been escorted away. "Thank you," Lady Sálenos blurts with a grin that quickly relaxes itself. "For what" Sancho queried his brow matching his uncertainty. "For showing me a great kindness that feels foreign to these people."
"I will always be there for you," Sancho said softly.

Often in the dimness of night, Lady Sálenos struggled to keep her eyes shut, afraid of the nightmares she'd encounter. However, this restlessness was caused by the short conversation between Sálenos and Catalina. How Catalina remained silent on the walk back or when Sálenos caught Catalina's eyes glancing a few times back at her.

"Was this a common occurrence in friendships?" She thought, running through the few interactions Lady Sálenos had. One thing she found interesting was how Agustín and Catalina made her feel. Agustín was a man who gave her a glimpse of unknown sensations on her body, while Catalina seemed to provide ambiguity. "Ugh, I need to rest." Lady Sálenos sighed, annoyed with these nightly uncertainties.

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