Chapter 11

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The subsequent evening had ventured a new era for Castile. Prince Sancho and Lady Sálenos, draped in resplendent robes, ascend the ornate thrones under a canopy of rich fabrics. Against the backdrop of regal ceremonies, Lady Sálenos looks to Catalina for assurance as they nod at each other.

Catalina is dressed in sage green and adorned with subtle embroidery. Her hair is done in elegant locs, artfully styled into an updo by Sálenos servants. The intricate twists and turns of the locs create a regal crown atop her head. That Sálenos couldn't deny brought a smirk to her face as she watched Catalina admire herself in a mirror. The air is filled with the majestic tunes of royal music as the crown, symbolizing their sovereignty, is carefully placed on their heads.

Dignitaries and nobility witnessed this grand event. But soon the room was crowded by guards as Isabella shouted, "What is the meaning of this?" Out came General José Martín. "I apologize, my queen, but I cannot contain my affection for Lady Sálenos," José confessed, holding his hand to his chest. "From the moment I found her those years ago, I hid my affections, only grazing upon her skin for a few moments at a time. But I am only a man."

The crowd stares in shock as Isabella orders her men to stop, but with a quick swift, Sancho's stomach is impaled. "Sancho!" Lady Sálenos cried out, holding him in her arms. "Please...I love you," she says softly as Sancho struggles to make out a laugh. "If dying meant I could hear those words, then I could go on." Sanchos breaths become heavy, and José stands before her. "He got in the way of us."

"Us!" Sálenos screamed. "You took me from my people along with my innocence, yet you figured wounding my husband would get me to love you. You're must have me mistaken for some foolish girl." She lashed her fists at his cheek.
"If I have learned one thing about you white men, it is that no matter how many times you whip me to submission, I only withhold ending your lives, but for this, I believe it will be overlooked." Before Lady Sálenos could continue, soldiers yanked her away.

Despite the general balancing himself, Catalina came in with a blend of faithful guards and servants who sought to avenge their ancestors. Swiftly, they fought to retrieve Queen Sálenos, but they were becoming overwhelmed. Catalina sought to stay back but was tugged abruptly. "Meddling slaves are to be punished," a soldier yelled before being knocked down by one of the servants. "Thank you," Catalina panted. "Anything for our people," he replied.

Without a second thought, Sálenos broke free and joined in. Her knowledge of swordsmanship was learned from her father. Fortunately, José must have ordered Queen Sálenos to not be harmed; she was all too easily able to hold her own. However, that didn't mean the men hadn't tried to detain her.

Sálenos fight led to the corridors where she found the general. "Yield!" José yelled, his demands having no effect as she charged forward. "Nunca me someteré a ti, demonio blanco" She fired back. Their blades clinked as Lady Sálenos cornered the man against a wall. In an attempt to prevent Sálenos from striking José, he quickly impaled his blade into Sálenos left thigh. "Ah," she shrieked.

It took every bit of her might not to relent. Blood spilled down Queen Sálenos leg as the piercing sting left her incapacitated to the ground. "I told you," he said, tugging away Sálenos's blade from her grasp. "I will not submit to you," she retorted in heavy breaths as she grasped the object firmly in both hands, gently pulling out the blade until she gathered the strength to stand and face him once more.

José found himself appalled by her refusal to back down and trembled at her gaze. Fury ignited in the queen's eyes as her eyebrows furrowed with determination. Despite her wound, Sálenos made quick work of her movements, dogging José's blade when he sought to repeat his pathetic tactics when her grip began to falter.

Finally, in an last attempt of resilience, General José Martín was decapitated, his head laid upon a cold stone floor as Queen Sálenos, despite her pain, rushed to aid her fellow citizens, but it seemed they were able to hold their own and rid of the soldiers. However, Catalina was nowhere to be seen. "Where is she?" Lady Sálenos shouted, but everyone appeared unaware. "She can't be." Sálenos could not bear the thought of finding Catalina in a puddle of her own blood. 

Lady Sálenos searched through corridors until she found Catalina sitting on stone steps. "Catalina!" Lady Sálenos called out, drops of blood building a path behind her. "I thought—"
"It's okay; I made it out unharmed," Catalina interrupted, holding Lady in her arms. "Your leg, however, needs tending to," Catalina argued, balancing Sálenos as she finally felt the sting on her thigh. "Catalina, wait," she commanded.
"We must stop the bleeding." Catalina protested, but Lady Sálenos resisted pulling Catalina to her, inches away from her face, as they were once again alone. The air became sparse as Lady Sálenos struggled to speak, but only when Catalina held her hand to her chest could she finally breathe. "I may not have been able to have chosen whom I can be with, but I cannot deny my affection for you," Lady Sálenos whispered as Catalina remained silent, her heart now becoming the only thing she could hear.

Suddenly, when Lady Sálenos wishes to flee, not only from the pain of her wound becoming unbearable, Catalina presses her lips against hers. Even if they eventually had to part, Lady Sálenos enjoyed every second of Catalina's lips on hers.

This was a victory, was it not? No, for Queen Sálenos, José is merely one of many vile individuals who used their status and privilege to make those they perceive as beneath them victims. However in the arms of Catalina, Lady Sálenos felt compelled to not dwell on it for too long.

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