VERONIKA!! Open the- Open The Door Please... (Flashback)

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Alex had been scrolling through TokTok for them to do a new one. "We need a group one, we've got a lot of duo/trio/relationship centered stuff on here."

"But people love our relationships!"

It was true. They hadn't expected it, but there was a significant amount of time and talent that seemed to go directly to the fans' borderline obsession with how their relationships worked. It was in fact, a pretty even division.

The Conniverse crew were heavily romanticized idealists. They loved that Connie and Steven just worked, and the duo couldn't even count on two hands even if each finger counted as 100 how many edits and superclips there were of them being together. They'd even brought attention to something Steven didn't even know he was doing. He couldn't remember when it started, but Steven was always on her right. And it wasn't just most of the time, he genuinely was on her right consistently without fail. On camera at least he was. He was sure there must've been times where he'd been anywhere else but it seemed like he was truly her right hand man and their fans loved it. Steven was hyper affectionate, so there were tons of compliations of him pulling Connie into a kiss around paparazzi just because he could, and her becoming a blushing mess as she playfully swatted at him. And their honorary eighth Stevonnie? No one could say anything negative about them without getting absolutely reamed in the comments. Their fans were dramatic, and they certainly weren't mean, but they could sure tear someone ten new ones for messing with any of the band members, let alone Stevonnie.

The Trouple Trouble fans were largely LGBTQIA, which frankly, was exactly the kind of community a lot of their music was released to and geared toward. With Hazel now identifying as Bisexual, they were an idol to every kind of unorthodox relationship there was. Not only that, but their personalities were so different. They teased and flirted and shoved at each other like hyena siblings. With Anna being the bright, sunny fun one, Adam being the brooding goth boy; and Hazel being perfect jock material it also had changed the way people were interacting with each other. They loved their unconditional acceptance of each other and there were an almost concerning amount of theorists who broke down the way that they worked as a polycule and had gotten uncomfortably close to the truth.

Olfasmins were a bit of a... different crowd. The only phrase that could truly generalize them all as a shipping community was over analyzers. The first time Jacob had been scrolling through TokTok a few months after their first interviews and concerts, he'd come across an edit of every time a camera caught him pining for Jasmin's attention while she wasn't looking. It had caused an entire day of him going missing without word, causing the band and Jasmin especially, to fly into a complete panic. He hadn't come back till the next day at lunch, where he'd appeared in the kitchen casually making a sandwich and giving them a cheerful, "Well, hi there!" as if he'd never left. After that, it was Jasmin who started getting heavy focus because of how she would grab Jacob's hand. She'd always go for it fast, almost like she was afraid he might leave again.

"You love us too, Pookie Bear." Jacob pinched Alex's thigh and received a tongue lashing immediately.

Alex went on and on about boundaries and personal space and rude, egotistical males and their ridiculous behavior while strewn over almost the entire bands laps on the couch.

They snickered to each other but tried to keep a straight face so the twink would shut the hell up.

"You sick fucks and your lack of boundaries are atrocious! Ugh, fucking whatever. Anyways, I think what we need is some drama."

"Oh good god, Alex. What the hell do you mean by drama? Like a publicity stunt?" Hazel grunted and adjusted himself under Alex's butt.

Jacob shrugged and tugged on the jean loop of Alex's pants just to see what would happen. When he didn't get a response he sighed. "If anyone's going to punch me in the face, I vote it to be not Steven."

To Be Named At A Later DateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora