Smokin Joe Rudeboy

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Anna rubbed at her eyes and groaned loudly, stomping back downstairs at 11 to see the band lying on the basement carpet. "I know I said I was tired but I can't sleep."

Hazel and Adam sat up, both motioning for her and then elbowing each other.

"Fuck you."

"No, fuck you."

"How about I do that right fucking now then, you fucking cuck?" Hazel snapped playfully, smiling at Adam.

The boys crooned as Adam straight up pinned him and started tickling him mercilessly. "A cuck? That's a great idea. Hope you enjoyed your last time with Anna and me, cause that's it for a week and a half."

"Wait, please!" Hazel cried desperately, making them all unsure whether he was begging to not be cut off or if he was about to pee himself.

Adam hummed and jumpercabled him, causing Hazel to rise like a bull but he stayed steady. "Who's my little cuckhold, hm?"

"Ah—! You'll never—," Hazel gasped as Adam went for his thighs with squeezes that tickled so much it nearly aroused him. "W-wait! Please! It's me! I'm the cuck!"

"Who's cuck?"

"Urgh," Hazel growled in frustration. If he admitted it Adam just might go through with it and Hazel would end up enjoying it and that would make it so much more embarrassing especially in front of everyone else. But if he didn't, Adam would tickle him until he pissed himself. And he would call him Pissy Cottontail. "Fine! I give! Your cuck!"

Anna giggled and stomped her foot to regain their attention. "HELLO?! I want you guys to tell me a bedtime story!"

She nudged Steven with her foot, who nudged Connie and so on until they were all staring up at her. Steven sat up and shook off the vertigo. "Baby wants a bedtime story? I know a million."

Connie grinned. "Why?"

He ignored her and tried to pretend like it was Anna being adorable that was making him flush so hard. "Anyways, we can play you a bedtime story if you want."

Adam and Hazel were still bickering, but at the mention of music they all grew excited.

Jasmin tugged on his jeans pant and exclaimed, "Does this mean we get to be musically connected again?"

"No," Jacob corrected her with a pinch of her cheek. "It's more spiritual than that."

"It's orgasmic," Hazel added seriously. "The better we perform, the stronger it gets."

Steven tipped his head toward them and gave them a sweet smile. "It's your power too. You guys do have the ability to access it without my help, just so you know. It's why your blood after this long is tinted a little pink, Connie's is straight magenta."

"I'm pretty sure all fusions make new powers, too," Connie mused, patting the suddenly starry eyed group on the heads. "I think Pluto might have enhanced charm-speak and music skills that surpass even Steven's. Possibly illusion too. Jaden's... hilarious actually. He's the perfect amount of annoying as fuck and he fucks so good."

"I think it's funny how a boy can be super hot but the reason your pants come off is cause you're always laughing," Jasmin chuckled, looking over at the very funny husband who'd made her laugh so many times that somewhere between being annoyed with him and giggling with him, a ring had been slipped on her finger. "Charisma."

Jacob grinned and shook his head. "I still can't believe that happened."

"And Heaven." Connie stopped at Hazel and stared at him for a moment before murmuring, "It combined everything about both of them and made... the perfect man."
No one could even argue that fact, but she added, "And he has aphrodisiac kisses."

To Be Named At A Later DateWhere stories live. Discover now