Credit- He Wasn't Like This Before

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It started off as such a good day that there was no way anything could ruin it. Piling into Stevens new whip was a task but like Tetris, they made it fit. Convincing Connie that they'd all be fine just headed to downtown was a little hard, but after a few kisses and promises they wouldn't be crazy, off they went.

Anna broke her promise immediately the very second they got onto the highway. She stood, arms up to feel the wind against her face and whooped at the top of her lungs, "Fuck yeah!"

Adam yanked her back down and decided it would just be better to cradle her if she was going to be wild. "Anna! You're getting your ass handed to you when we get home, little girl. What would we do if we lost you?"

Hazel gave her a stern look and dropped a kiss on her nose. "I'm not saving you, that was just asking for it." He couldn't leave it there when her lip wobbled, he was too soft. "Aw, but we still love you, Princess!"

She sulked as Steven hit the button for the sunroof, glancing at the sky and shaking his head. "You naughty girl. I can't take you anywhere, huh?"

Jasmin snorted and earned a glare from Anna while she was essentially babied into submission. "You guys suck."

Connie giggled. "And I'm really good at it."

They burst out laughing and started up a random conversation. The radio played just loud enough that they had to speak over it. Everything was fun as all hell, even Alex was social and sitting on Hazels lap with a grin and his camera.

Crystal clear notes. A young, sweet, before and after her time voice. No matter how drunk or distracted or happy, Steven would recognize that voice anywhere.

All conversation died in the car when Steven turned pink and tore his eyes off the radio. "She finally released the new one. Credit." His voice held no relief, only complete misery. Connie reached forward to turn it off, but he shook his head. "Leave it."

"You're torturing yourself," Jacob groaned. "Why are you so insistent on torturing yourself?"

Steven cracked a smile at that and turned it up. "Sometimes it's the only way I know I'm not living in Heaven with you guys."

Damn it. His smooth words weren't just to charm them, they were as genuine as he almost always was. So be it. They tuned in just as Allison's voice carried over the speaker.

"Lately, I'm feeling stupid and crazy
Cause I saw him with his new baby
And he treats her like she's the one,"

Connie nodded her head curtly. "It's because I am, dammit. Cope and seethe, bitch."

"It's not that I want him back
Ain't tryin to be mean
But I brought him brand new clothes
And burned the skinny jeans
But she'll never know
That I made him better for her."

Steven's eyes widened in disbelief and he readjusted his sitting so he was more upright. The last thing he needed was to disassociate while driving everyone he loved the most. "Debatable. But I'll bite."

"So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
I gave him swag
I made him cool
He used to be a fool
So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
You know who
Give credit where it's due."

Hazels fists clenched. What kind of loony ass bitch had the audacity to make something so very clearly about Steven and then say Connie needed to give her credit? She traumatized the hell out of someone already traumatized to begin with. What could they possibly have to thank her for? She certainly didn't make him stronger, Steven had persevered on his own, so what the hell was she on about?

To Be Named At A Later DateWhere stories live. Discover now