9.Whats Wrong Princess

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The realization hit me like a sudden gust of wind – I had left my phone on our table in Starbucks. Hurriedly retracing my steps, I hoped to retrieve it without drawing too much attention. However, as I approached the table, an unexpected sight unfolded – Alexander and the girl engaged in a friendly hug.

The jealousy that surged within me was inexplicable, a confusing emotion that left me feeling unsettled. Clutching my phone, I found myself retreating to the restroom immediately, seeking a moment to collect my thoughts away from prying eyes.

Alone in the restroom, the black dress, once a symbol of elegance, now felt like a shroud, concealing the unexpected emotions that swirled within. I grappled with the inexplicable jealousy, questioning its origins and trying to make sense of the conflicting feelings.

As I attempted to leave the restroom and rejoin Klara and Sophie, Alexander intercepted my path, grabbing my hand and pulling me into an unexpected embrace. I felt caged in his arms, his teasing tone exacerbating the vulnerability I felt. "Running away, Princess? What's got you all flustered? Can't handle a little friendly hug?" he taunted, a wicked glint in his eyes.

The inability to respond left me feeling trapped in a moment of unexpected vulnerability. The black dress seemed to amplify the turmoil within me, becoming a silent witness to the emotional tangle I found myself in. In that fleeting encounter, past dynamics and present complexities converged, leaving me to navigate a situation where Alexander's teasing took on a more intimate and disconcerting tone.In the tight grip of Alexander's arms, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions. My phone was a mere distraction as his teasing took on a more intimate tone. "Running away, Princess? What's got you all flustered? Can't handle a little friendly hug?" he continued, his wicked taunts hanging in the air.

Attempting to mask my unease, I stammered, "I—It's none of your business, Alexander. Just let me go."

He chuckled, his grip remaining firm. "Come on, Princess. We're just having some fun. No need to get all worked up over a hug."

My attempts to pull away were met with playful resistance, leaving me feeling increasingly cornered. The black dress, once a symbol of confidence, now seemed like a fragile shield in this unexpected encounter. "Fun for you, maybe," I retorted, frustration evident in my voice.

Alexander leaned in, his tone low and teasing. "Admit it, Princess. You're not as unbothered as you want everyone to believe. That hug bothered you more than you're willing to admit."

His words hit a nerve, and I attempted to muster a defiant response. "You're delusional, Alexander. I couldn't care less about your antics."

He raised an eyebrow, his wicked grin undeterred. "If that were true, you wouldn't be standing here all flustered. It's cute, really."

The inability to formulate a sharp retort left me feeling defenseless. The black dress became a silent witness to this disconcerting dance, where past history and present vulnerability intertwined. As Alexander continued his teasing, I yearned for an escape from this unexpected and unnerving encounter in the confines of Starbucks.In the midst of Alexander's teasing, a sudden shift occurred. His gaze, once filled with mischief, lingered on the black dress I wore. "Nice dress, Princess. Did you pick it out just for our little encounter?" he remarked, his tone oddly appreciative.

The unexpected compliment caught me off guard, intensifying my flustered state. I stammered, "I—I, um... It's just a dress."

Alexander's grin widened, seemingly unfazed by my reaction. "Well, it suits you. Adds a touch of elegance to the usual College drama."

The unexpected praise deepened my discomfort, and I felt a subtle warmth creeping up my cheeks. The black dress, once a symbol of confidence, now seemed like an amplifier of my vulnerability.

As I attempted to extricate myself from Alexander's grip, Klara and Sophie approached, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. The scene unfolded before them – Alexander's teasing, my apparent discomfort, and the blush that adorned my cheeks.

"What's going on here?" Klara inquired, a knowing glint in her eyes.

Sophie added with a smirk, "Looks like we stumbled upon an interesting moment. What's the story, Princess?"

Alexander, reveling in the attention, shrugged casually. "Just admiring the dress, that's all. Can't blame a guy for appreciating good fashion."

My attempts to convey nonchalance fell flat, and I could sense Klara and Sophie exchanging amused glances. The black dress, now a symbol of both elegance and unexpected attention, seemed to carry the weight of a situation I hadn't anticipated. In the confines of Starbucks, past dynamics, present vulnerabilities, and unexpected compliments created a tapestry of complexity.


Hold on let me explain

Based on chapter 5 I think I established the fact that Emilia liked Alexander when she came to school. If I didn't get that across I'm sorry my description sucks 🙏

Hence the jealousy she felt.

How do u like this side of Alexander

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