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Olivia's POV

This is the story of how I met Noah Sebastian, lead singer of Bad Omens. It was not romantic. It wasn't something every fan girl wished for. Well in a sense it is but we didn't fall in love that night. We fell in love way after. That night was a drunken mess. One that I remember well.

Here it is.

I made my way into the venue. My brother was the guitarist for the opening band so he got me backstage passes. He gave me two but I don't have anyone to go with so I just came by myself.
I showed security my pass and they let me in.

Ty: r u here?
Livy: just got let backstage
Ty: coming!

"Livy!" My brother Ty yelled as he tackled me in a hug.
"I miss you so much! Your hair is longer." He said while letting go and giving me a look over.
"Well yeah! It's been over a year since I've seen you." I laughed and punched his shoulder playfully.
"True. Well, I'm on in like ten minutes. Let's go see the guys!"
I nodded and followed him.
"Liv!" The lead singer of my brothers band yelled before tackling me in a hug.
I smiled and said hi before saying hi to the rest of my brothers band who all gave me welcoming hugs. I've known them for about five years.
"Oh shit. I forgot! This is Bad Omens! Guys! This is my sister Olivia!"  Ty says and I turn around to see four guys watching our reunion.
The first three introduce themselves and then it gets to the last one. He has short straight brown hair that slightly falls over his forehead and brown eyes like melted chocolate. He is over six foot tall and covered in tattoos. I never knew I had a type before I met him and he was definitely it. He also stood over a foot taller than me so I had to look up at him.
"Hi, I'm Noah." He said while holding his hand out for me to shake and giving me a small smile.
"Hi." I said shyly while shaking his hand. The contact making me blush.
"Guys, it's go time!" A crew member came up and said to my brothers band. They all filed onto stage and started.
I watched from side stage and smiled. I'm proud of them, they've worked so hard for this.
"So Liv, how old are you?" Noah asked while looking down at me.
"I'm twenty four. You?"
"Twenty seven."
I nodded and sighed.
"You guys got a drink or something?" I asked.
"Yea! What would you like? we have water, monster and alcohol."
"Water for right now but later I will take you up on that alcohol."
He nodded his head and got a water bottle for me. I sipped it as I watched my brothers band.
They finished ten minutes later and the crew started setting up for Bad Omens.
"Have you heard our music before?" Noah asks as he sips his water. He had just put his ear pieces in.
"No I can't say I have. I like metal but I rather listen to the older stuff."
He nods and smiled.
"I feel like you'd like it."
"Oh really? Is it that good?" I joke with him.
"Yeah it's that good." He jokes back.
I laugh and they get called on stage.
My brother went to go get a shower and change before coming back to me.
Noah's band started playing and his voice was like butter. I was honestly shocked. His singing voice sounds nothing like his talking voice.
About fifteen minutes in he looks back at me and smiles before yelling "CONCRETE!"
The audience yelled "JUNGLE!"
This went on for a good minute before he yelled "THIS IS DETHRONE, YOU FUCKS!"
I nodded my head along to the music and then my brother showed up beside me.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"Bad Omens."
"They're not bad."
He chuckled, he knew me and when I say not bad that they are actually great.
Soon the Bad Omens guys finished their set and filed off stage. They went to take showers before VIPs came for their meet and greets.
I hung back in the green room while they did all that. I played on my phone. Not gonna lie I did look up to see if Noah himself had any socials but he didn't so I just looked on their band socials.
I was busy staring at a pics of Noah when my brother sat down beside me on the couch.
He looked at my phone and laughed.
"You think he's hot don't you?" He asks while shaking his head. He had a beer in his hand.
"Maybe..." I said while clicking my phone off.
Just them Bad Omens came into the room.
"Who wants to get fucked up?!!" Folio said as he grabbed a beer. I laughed and got me one. I see that it's a Corona.
"Wow. A Corona with no lime. A disgrace." I say before opening it and sipping it.
Everyone looked at me and started laughing.
"What?" I say.
"Man, I say the same thing." Noah says.
I laugh and tip my beer towards him.
*time skip*
It was now wayyyy later and we were all pretty shit faced. We moved to the Bad Omens bus since it was the bigger one of the two.
"Ima go for a smoke." I slur out as I stand, grabbing my bag.
"I'll go with." Noah says. I nod and we both go out the door of the bus.
I walk around to the back and light up my cigarette.
"Can I get one?" He asks. I nod and give one to him with the lighter. He thanks me and lights his. We stand there and smoke in silence before my drunk and horny brain makes me spew out.
"You wanna fuck?"
His eyes widen and he stares at me.
I take another hit and say "You're hot and I'm horny. Yes or no?"
"Against the bus?"
"Why not?"
"Fuck." He says before flicking his cigarette. He grabs both sides of my face in his big tattooed hands and slams his lips on mine.
I moan against his mouth and my tongue licks at his lips. He opens his mouth and our tongues meet. We explore each others mouths before he backs me up against the bus. I grab ahold of his sweat pants and untie them. I push them down along with his underwear and his hard member springs to attention.
I break the kiss to look at him and instantly start to drool.
"Even your dick is pretty." I say as he reaches under the skirt I'm wearing to push my underwear down my legs.
He laughs as I step out of them. He grabs me by the waist and lifts me up so I wrap my legs around him.
"Do you need foreplay?" He asks breathing heavy
"I can't wait that long plus we have to be quick." He nods and aligns himself with my hole. He groans as he feels my slick slit on his tip.
He pushes into me slowly causing me to moan loudly.
"Shhh." He says. I nod with a whimper.
Once he's all the way in, he stills.
"Move." I say after a minute.
His thrusts start out slow before he picks up the pace. Soon he is pounding into me. I try to hold back my moans but the way he's moving is sending me to the edge.
"I'm close." I say in between pants.
"Me too. Cum for me." He says as he picks up his pace.
I whimper as I feel my walls contract. In a matter of a minute I'm cumming around his cock.
That causes him to go over the edge and he stills in me before cum coats my walls.
"Fuck." He groans as he empties himself.
He pulls out after he's caught his breath and pulls up his sweat pants.
I bend down and grab my panties. I use them to wipe the cum dripping out of me. He takes them from me afterwards and shoves them in his pocket. He sends me a wink before making his way back into the bus.
*end smut*
I stay outside to have another cigarette though. I sigh and think that I shouldn't have done that. He's my brothers friend. I totally fucked all this up.
I finish my cig and flick it on the ground. I make my way into the bus and go to use the bathroom.
I pee and wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror and see that my lips are all red.
I curse at myself.
Luckily nobody looked at me when I came in. Either they were engrossed in a game of Mario Kart or passed out.
I left the bathroom and found Noah in the back bedroom.
I silently close the door and say "Nobody can know we did that."
He looks at me and nods.
"It shouldn't have happened. I don't know what I was thinking. Clearly I wasn't. You are my brothers friend. We always told each other we'd never go for each others friends and now I've did it."
"It never happened, Olivia." He says before turning the lamp off on the night stand leaving us in darkness.
I turn around and leave.
"Fuck." I say.
Fuck, indeed.

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