Chapter 4: You Put A Baby In Me

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Olivia's POV:

Today, me and Noah are going to the first doctors appointment since finding out I'm pregnant. My brother still doesn't know about Noah being the baby's father. I just couldn't bear what he will think about me if he knew the truth.
Me and Ty have always been close. Only three years apart٫ we had each other to lean on. When my first boyfriend dumped me٫ he was there to hold me while I cried. When he lost his best friend٫ I was there to pick up the pieces.
We made a pact when I was thirteen to never go after each others friends. They were always strictly forbidden for both of us.
But that night٫ I wasn't thinking of my brother. I was thinking that I got attention from this rock star who I was actually attracted to. I was also drunk and when I get drunk٫ I get horny so I saw an opportunity and took it. Noah also didn't stop it so I guess we both are at fault but I should have known better.
I lay on my bed trying to keep the nausea at bay. Ty is out of the house today which he told me about days in advance. Something about a show in the next state over. So٫ I made the appointment for today so I have an excuse for Noah to take me since I still don't have my own car yet.
My phone dinged. Its a text from Noah.

Noah: I will pick you up at 11.
Me: ok

I look at the time and it is currently ten am. I groan and slowly sit up. The nausea is kicking my ass and doing anything but laying down can trigger it. I take a deep breath trying not to puke as I stand.
Not two seconds later, it hits me. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach into the toilet. I haven't really eaten anything today so it's mainly stomach acid which burns my throat.
I sigh as I finish and flush the toilet. I get up and go to the sink to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror as I brush them and see the dark circles under my eyes. I haven't been sleeping much due to the nausea. I'd fall asleep and then it wake me up.
Hopefully, this appointment today can help me get some nausea medication because this sucks.
I finish getting ready with ten minutes to spare so I make some toast. Which is the only thing I can keep down at the moment. Well that and water.
The door bell rings and I go to open it. As I open it, there stands Noah. He has on a hoodie and shorts. He smiles at me and lets himself in.
"Have you ate?" He asks.
I nod and grab my purse.
"All the baby is letting me keep down is toast and water. So after throwing up my guts this morning, I ate a piece of toast."
He nods and says "Is it suppose to be like that?"
I shrug.
"Everyone is different. I'm gonna talk to the doctor about some nausea meds. I barely slept last night due to it. I would like to sleep. This kid does not want me to."
He chuckles and holds the door open for me. He locks it behind him and we go to his car.
"Are you excited to see the baby?" He asks and he cranks it up.
"I am. Are you?"
"Very." He said with a grin etched on his face. We pull out of the driveway and head towards the OBGYN.
The drive only took fifteen minutes. We pulled into the park lot and parked. Noah put on some sunglasses and a baseball cap before pulling his hood up again to hopefully not be recognized. He really did not wish for a fan seeing him in a vulnerable situation like this.
We got out and headed inside. I walked up to the front desk and he took a seat in the waiting area.
"I have an appointment at eleven thirty. The name is Olivia Martinez."
The front desk lady nodded and typed into her computer.
"Alright. Have a seat and they will call you back shortly." She said to me with a smile. I had already filled out all the paper work online thankfully. I nod and head to sit beside Noah who was checking his phone.
I took out mine and looked at my new messages. I had a couple from Ty who was checking in on how I was doing today. I quickly answered them and clicked my phone off.
"Martinez?" A woman in scrubs called walking into the waiting area. Me and Noah stood up and followed her. We got to a room with a stirrup bed and a ultrasound machine.
She instructed me to lay on the bed so I did.
"Alright so today we need to do two ultrasounds. One external and one internal. For the external I will use a small bit of gel on your tummy and use the wand to look for baby. With the internal, I use a long wand like camera, which I lube up and insert it into your vaginal opening."
I nod and look over at Noah who's eyes are wide. I stifle a laugh at this.
"Are you ready to get started?" She asks.
"Alright lift your shirt."
I do as she says and she puts the gel on my stomach but not before telling me with will be a little cold. She then puts the wand on my stomach and moves it around. She looks for a couple seconds before smiling.
"See here? That's baby." She says pointing at the screen. I see a little bean like blip on the screen.
"Baby is a little over an inch long."
Noah stares at the screen in awe with a small smile on his face. She saves some picture for us so she can print them and then wipes the gel off my stomach.
"Now for the internal. This is just to make sure everything is okay down there. Now, usually we would hear babies heart beat but it is too early right now."
I nod and she instructs me to take off my pants and underwear. I nod and get up. I look at Noah who starts to stand to leave the room.
"Noah. You put the baby in me. At this point, you seeing my vagina is the least of my problems."
He blushes and nods before sitting back down as the nurse softly laughs.
I take off my pants and underwear before getting back on the bed. I put my feet in the stirrups like she instructed me and she pulls out a long wand that she puts a cover on and then lube.
"I'm going to insert it now. You may feel some discomfort."
I nod and brace myself.
She finishes with the wand and lets me get my clothes back on. She then says doctor will be in shortly to inform me of anything and leaves.
I look at Noah who still has a blush etched across his face.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah. Just didn't expect that."
I nod and smile slightly.
"Noah. We have a baby on the way. Which comes out of my vagina. You are gonna have to see it." I say with a laugh.
He chuckles and nods.
"I figured that but it's just weird. I didn't even see it when we fucked. It was dark outside."
I nod and say "do you want to see it? Before you get an even bigger surprise? Because you didn't really see anything then."
"What do you mean bigger surprise?"
"A babies head comes out of it. I don't want the first time your seeing it be when it's stretched to fit a babies head."
"Oh. Ohhhh. Yeah. It's up to you."
"Fine. When we leave here we go to mine since no one's home."
He nods and the door opens. The doctor walks in and introduces himself.
"Well, baby Sebastian looks good. Do you have any concerns?" He asks.
"I've been having really bad nausea. I can barely keep anything down."
The doctor nods and says "I can prescribe you some nausea medication and if it continues with the medication call us. Anything else?"
"No. That is it."
He nods and says "well, you are free to go. Here is your prescription." He hands me the prescription and I nod and grab my bag.
"Thank you doctor."
The doctor nods and smiles before leaving.
Me and Noah head out and go to the car. We hop in and buckle up.
"You ready to see my vagina?" I ask with a small laugh.
He blushes again and doesn't say anything.
We head to my house and get there pretty quickly. When I would look over at the speedometer he was going well over the speed limit. This made me crack a smile.
We pull in to the driveway and get out the car. I unlock the front door and drop my bag off on the counter in the kitchen, as well as my keys.
I then turn and look at Noah who is awkwardly standing there with his hands in his pockets.
"Come on Noah." I say while making my way up the stairs to my room. Luckily my brother and his band are states away.
I take my shoes off once I get in the room and turn to Noah.
"Close the door." I say while unbuttoning my pants. He hurriedly closes and locks the door and turns back to me which by then I have my pants off.
His Adams Apple bobs slightly as he gulps. I look at his crotch and see he's hard.
This causes me to smirk.
I'm gonna have fun with this.

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