Chapter 7: What? Its Good.

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Olivia's POV:

I'm two months pregnant today. All I do is throw up. The nausea won't go away, no matter how many nausea pills I take. They just put me to sleep. So all I've been doing is sleeping.
Noah wakes me up to eat but it can't keep anything but bread down. He's been taking good care of me.
Today, I finally was able to keep something more than bread down though. I also started having cravings. Currently, I'm sitting at the kitchen counter, eating pickles. They've been in the fridge for I don't know how long but I could care less.
Noah walks in and stops when he sees me.
"Feeling better?" He asks me with a small smile.
I grin and nod my head.
"Good." He says and comes over. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind, burrowing his face into my neck.
"We need to get more pickles. Oooo. I also want some powdered donuts." I say while taking a bite of the pickle I had in my hand.
"No problem, baby. Write a list and I'll go get it or have it delivered."
"I wanna go with you because I might see some more stuff I want."
Noah nods his head in my neck and leaves a small kiss.
"Whatever you want to do."
I take another bite of the pickle in my hand and chew it loudly. Noah stifles a laugh and let's go of me.
"When do you want to go?" He asks.
"Now would be good. This is the last pickle."
He nods and rushes upstairs to grab his hoodie and shoes. He brings down my shoes as well.
I put them on and we hurry out the door. We hop in the car and drive to the nearest grocery store.
We park once we get there and I practically jump out the car.
One thing about me is I love grocery shopping. Especially, now. I love looking at all the food and picking what I want. I take Noah's hand once he gets out and we stroll into the store. He grabs a cart and I happily trot beside him.
"Where to first?" He asks.
"Pickles!" I say and take off to the pickle isle. Noah in tow.
I find the biggest jar there is and put it in the cart.
"All them pickles?" He asks while a small smile and a chuckle.
"Yes." I say while giving him a side eye. When he notices my stare he quickly shuts up and his mouth goes into a straight line.
"Now, cheese." I say with a small smile. He nods and follows me.
I stop at the cheese and pick out four or five different kinds. Cheddar, Colby Jack, Pepper Jack, Gouda and some baby bells.
"Baby, you're gonna be constipated if you eat all that." He says with a chuckle.
"That's what laxatives are for." I say while dropping it all in the cart.
He laughs and says "well, we better get some then."
I smile at him and we finish our shopping trip.
All in all I got pickles, cheese, peanut butter, cookies and salt and vinegar chips.
Me and Noah made it home and brought in the groceries. Jolly was in the kitchen when we walked in and he smiled at us.
"Have fun?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Yes! I got so many snacks!" I say happily.
"Five different cheeses?" He asks while watching Noah take them out of the grocery bag.
"Yes." I say. Jolly chuckles again and says "Pregnancy craving are weird man."
I nod and open one of the baby bell cheeses.
"They are but what baby wants baby gets." I say.
"Precisely." Noah says while wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He plants a kiss on my temple.
I pop the entire cheese in my mouth, moaning causing both men to laugh.
"What? It's good." I say sheepishly.

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