Chapter 6: Little Nugget

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Olivia's POV:

I slowly wake up and shift around, my eyes are still closed and i feel a body underneath me. I open my eyes and see Noah peacefully sleeping. Everything from last night comes back to me. We basically admitted to having feelings to one another and had the best sex of my life.
I notice that he slipped out of me last night and slowly maneuver myself to get up. His arms then snake around my waist and pull me to him. I let out a surprised squeak and he chuckles.
"Good morning." He says in a very hot raspy morning voice.
"Morning." I say with a smile as I look at his beautiful face. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. My smile brightens when we pull apart.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks.
"Yes. Did you?"
"The best I have in a long time."
I blush and kiss his naked chest which I am still laying on.
"LIVY IM HOME!" We suddenly hear before my bedroom door swings open to reveal my brother. Both me and Noah face drops in shock. We scramble to cover ourselves.
Ty's face drops as he takes in the situation at hand. Disbelief is evident on his face.
"What the actual fuck." He says before just turning around and leaving, slamming my bedroom door shut.
I slowly look at Noah and notice he's staring at me. I hurriedly get up and throw on some clothes. Noah following me and doing the same before we are both out the door and chasing after my brother.
"Ty!" I yell as I try to catch up to him. He stops in the kitchen and grabs the bottle of Crown Royal on the counter and chugs it.
"Don't do that, your gonna get sick." I say.
"Why do you care, huh?"
"Because you're my brother." I sigh.
"Really?! Am I? Because last I check I kept my promise! WE SWORE, OLIVIA! Friends ARE OFF LIMITS! And what do you do?! FUCK MY FRIEND!" He screams, slamming his hands down on the table.
"Ty, it just happened okay? But it wasn't just a fuck, I have actual feelings for Noah and he has feelings for me."
He scoffs and takes another swig of the bottle.
"When I had feelings for your bestfriend in highschool I didn't do anything about it because WE PROMISED! Huh! Next, your gonna tell me he's the father of your child!!"
I go silent and glance at Noah who is watching the scene unfold. Ty looks between me and Noah and pieces it together.
"Oh my god, he's the father."
Tears are streaming down my face and I hastily wipe them away with the back of my hand.
"When?" He asks.
"When I visited you on tour. We were enjoying each others company and we were drunk. It just happened."
"How does it just happen?! I was with you the whole time!"
"When we stepped out to have a cigarette." I say as I inhale deeply trying not to break down sobbing.
He turns to Noah and yells "You fucked my sister against the bus?!"
"I asked him too!" I yelled. "Don't talk to him like that. This is on me! I was the one who went after Noah to begin with. It just so happened that he liked me back."
Ty nods and sighs.
"Well good, he can like you at his own house because you aren't staying here. Get your shit and go stay with him. He's the father of your unborn child so he can take care of you. I can't even look at you right now, let alone be around you." He says before storming out of the house. I watch out the window as he hops in his car and speeds out the drive way.
I turn and look at Noah. Tears are streaming down my face. Noah takes long strides over to me and engulfs me into his arms.
I sob against his naked chest since he only threw some sweat pants on.
"It's okay baby. We will pack up your stuff and you can come stay with me and Jolly." He says while petting my hair. He leaves a soft kiss on the top of my head since I'm a lot shorter than him.
"I lost my brother, Noah. I don't know what to do anymore. He hates me." I say, pulling back.
Noah grabs my cheeks in his palms and makes me look at him.
"He will come around, baby. He's mad and needs to cool off. The best thing is to pack your stuff and go to mine. If you are here when he gets back, it might make it worse."
I nod and head upstairs to my room. Noah follows and I pull out my two suitcases I brought with me when I moved to LA.
Me and Noah then pack everything I would need into them. I'm leaving some stuff but they aren't necessarily important.
I zip up my suitcase and Noah grabs them for me. We head to his car and he puts the suitcases in the back seat. We hop in and take off.
By now I quit crying but my face is red and puffy. I look a mess. I'm still in the clothes I threw on when Ty found us and my hair hasn't been brushed.
Noah threw on a shirt and his shoes before we left thankfully. It was a ten minute drive to Noah's house, he played upbeat music to try and make me feel better which I was thankful for. It shows he cares.
When we get there, we hop out and he grabs my suitcases. He wouldn't let me help him. He kept saying he's got it so I just let him do it. We walk in the house and Jolly is standing in the living room. He looks at us very confused. I guess Noah didn't tell him I was gonna stay here.
"What's going on?" Jolly asks and Noah sets down my suitcases.
"Livy is staying here from here on out." Noah replies.
"I'm the father. Ty found out so he kicked her out."
Jolly's eyes widen and his jaw drops.
"You're gonna be a dad?" He asks Noah while looking between the two of us.
"Yea." Noah says with a smile on his face.
"Congratulations, brother." He says while hugging Noah. After he hugs Noah, he comes over and hugs me.
"I'm sorry your brother kicked you out though, you are always welcome here." He tells me with a small smile as he pulls away from the hug.
I give Jolly a small smile and then my attention gets directed back to Noah who picks the suitcases back up.
"Alright, Livy. Come this way, you'll be staying in my room."
I nod and follow him up the stairs. We walk into his room which has a queen size bed, night stand, tv and desk with a PC on it.
"It's not much." He says while setting down the suitcases.
"It's fine Noah." I say with a sigh and sit down on the bed. He then comes over to me and kneels down so he's face to face with me.
He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes.
"I am so sorry your brother acted like that, baby. You don't need this stress, it's not good for the baby. I will do my best to make sure from here on out you won't be so stressed." He told me with a small smile.
I give him a smile and place a soft kiss on his lips. He lets go of my hands and cups my face. Our lips moving in sync.
I could kiss this man all day. He just had a way to make me feel seen, needed and loved.
We pull away and he diverts his attention to my stomach. He gives it a light kiss.
"Daddy, will make sure nothing happens to you. You and your mommy are the most important things in the world. I love you, my little nugget." He says while caressing my stomach even though I'm not even showing yet.
"Little nugget?" I ask with a goofy grin. He looks up at my face and grins.
"I like it." He says
"Me too."

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