Chapter 2: FUCK

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Olivia's POV:

I'm fucking pregnant. I can't believe it. I always used protection with my partners.
"Fuck." I said while staring at the test in my hands.
"FUCK!" I yell and punch the mirror in front of me. The glass breaks and my hand starts bleeding. Tears are pouring down my face.
I don't know what to do. I never in my life thought I'd sleep with my brothers friend. Let alone get pregnant. I never wanted kids. I doubt he would either.
I shakily wipe my face with my hand that isn't hurt. The only person I know could help me would kill me if he found out. Maybe I just won't tell him who the father is. No one will know. They can't know.
I pick up my phone and shakily press my brothers contact. It rings for a couple seconds til he picks up.
"Hello?" He says.
"Ty." I whisper.
"Liv? Are you okay?"
"No. I think I broke my hand and I fucked up." I said while a sob breaks through me.
"What do you mean you fucked up?"
I sigh.
"I'm pregnant, Ty. I don't know what to do. I never wanted kids but now that it's real. I can't get rid of it."
He huffs and excuses himself, he's with people. I hear a door close and he asks "Who is the father?"
"It was a one night stand. I don't know." I lie.
The line is silent for a minute.
"You're moving to LA. You will stay with me. I will be on the next plane. Get an Uber and go to the hospital. You need to get your hand looked at. How did you break it?"
"Punched a mirror."
"Of course you did." He says. "I'll be there soon."
"Thank you Ty."
"Always Livy."
He hangs up and I sigh. This is gonna be a shit show.
*time skip*
I got my hand patched up. I didn't break it. It was just sprained and cut up.
I'm sitting on my couch. I already packed up my stuff. My roommate is fine with me leaving. Me and her never got along anyways.
A knock is heard at the door and I answer it. There stands my brother.
"Hey Livy." He says while pulling me into a hug.
He lets me ago and he starts putting my stuff into the uhaul. He got a small one because I didn't have much. We would be driving all the way to LA. It will take about a week including stops.
Enough time for me to think about what I'm going to do once I get there. Once the uhaul is closed I turn to my brother, "what about my car?"
He looks at it and chuckles.
"Sell it to the junkyard. It's a piece of shit. I'll get you a new one."
I nod and we hop in my car. We drive to the junkyard and I got about six hundred for it. We Uber back to my apartment building and hop into the uhaul.
The start of the journey was a little rocky because of traffic but it got smooth once the sun started to set.
"So, I never asked. How far along are you?" Ty asks while he focuses on the road.
I sigh and say "a little over a month."
He nods and takes a sip of his monster.
"Are you sure you wanna keep it?"
"I just don't want you to make a mistake. I know how you get when things change and this is a BIG change. You're gonna be a mother, Liv. You will be this child's sole provider. You will have to work twice as hard now."
I nod while staring out the window, watching the trees go by.
"I know, Ty. Trust me, last night I thought a lot about this. I know this will be hard especially since the father isn't in the picture but I made a life and that's special to me. I have something special."
I look over and see a small smile on his face.
"I'm gonna be a kick ass uncle." He exclaims while chuckling.
"Yes you are." I smile and sip my water.
*time skip*
It's been three days since we started the journey to LA and we have two more. Me and Ty have taken turns driving since we are literally driving all day. Only stopping for bathroom breaks, food, and to sleep but usually we sleep when it's not out turn to drive.
"I've been thinking and I'm gonna get a job when I get to LA." I say while taking a bite of my burger.
Ty nods and says "okay but nothing too strenuous or stressful. It's not good for the baby."
I laugh.
"I know that."
"What we're you thinking?"
"Well, I have that degree in software editing. So I might get a job doing that."
He nods.
"I think our record label needs someone. I'll contact them and let you know."
I nod and thank him.
We set back on the road after we finish eating.
I'm excited for this new adventure.
I just don't know where it's gonna take me.

Said & Done ( Noah Sebastian )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora