Chapter 1: Oh Shit

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Olivia's POV:

It's been a month since I seen my brother on tour. A month since I've slept with Noah. I feel bad because of how I left things with him. The day after before I left he wouldn't even look at me. I could tell he was upset with me saying it was a mistake but me and Ty always promised each other never to get with each others friends. I fucked up but I wasn't thinking. I saw a hot guy and let my vagina think.
I'm now at work. I work in a small diner near my apartment in North Carolina. I'm a world away from my brother who resides in LA. I only get to see him every year or so. It's sad but I can't afford LA rent.
I clear off a table when I get the sudden urge to puke. The smell of the egg on the plate must've made me nauseous. I sigh and rush towards the bathroom. I barely make it before I'm violently throwing up.
When I finish, I rinse my mouth out and wash my hands.
As I walk back into the dining area my manager Pam stops me "are you alright hunny?" She asks in her thick southern accent.
I nod my head and say "yeah the smell of those eggs just really got to me."
She nods and looks me up and down before smiling.
"You know when I was pregnant with my first born eggs got me too."
I still and my eyes go wide.
"What are you on about?" I ask.
"Hun. Your boobs are bigger, you're puking at the smell of eggs and you've gained a little weight. I would also bet your boobs are sore too."
The world stops for me as I take in what she's implying.
"I gotta go." I say as I rush to get my purse and jacket before running out the door.
"Let me know what you find out!" She yells as the door closes behind me.
I hurry to my small janky car before high tailing it to the dearest drug store. I hurriedly park the car and rush into the store. Not even bothering to lock the car doors.
I rush to the aisle with the tests and grab three before rushing to check out. I practically throw my money at the lady and book it to my car. I sped out of the parking lot and to my apartment.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I say as I hurriedly unlock my apartment door.
When I get in I toss my keys, purse and jacket on my counter and take off to the bathroom. I open one of the tests and take it.
The instructions say to wait five minutes. I must say they are the longest five minutes of my life.
When my timer on my phone beeps I look at the test.
I take another. Wait five more minutes.
I take a third one.
"Oh shit."

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