Introduction <3

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Main lead :-

Zayan Aslam :

"I fell in love with you because of million things you never knew you were doing."

"I hate waiting, but for you I can wait my

Whole life."

"I wouldn't say I love you, but every time I see a flower I want to give it to you, everytime I see the moon, I wanna tell you you are more beautiful than moon, everytime I see rainbow, I wanna tell how you are more colorful than rainbow, everytime I see an old couple, I wanna tell you that I want same for us someday, every time I see my reflection in mirror, I wanna tell you that I am filled with you, you are in my soul, you are my soul, my happiness, my life and my everything"

A successful business who left Pakistan 13years ago and is returning back to Pakistan, the life has alot of surprises for him, his teenage love is now married, he is alone in this world yet he has everything, will he be bless with love or he will let go of a love that Allah swt  has written for him, he is returning back to Islamabad, the love of his heart.

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Anaya Javed:-

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Anaya Javed:-

"What is love? I wondered, then looked at him and smiled knowing he is love of my life"

Tamannaa - e- Khaas Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora