1| I missed you

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Present Day

I close my eyes and listen to the heartbeat of Strange. This is our final training exercise for the year. I've been here since the beginning of winter break. It's been non stop training. It's not like I really need it. But he still insists.

"You know I can hear your heartbeat, right?" I ask. "I know you're right.. there."

I turn around and throw an energy blast that he deflects. I smile and shrug my shoulders. I look over at Clea who appears out of the shadows.

"You did good, Olivia."

"I'm well aware. You know these training exercises are for starters.. why am I still doing them?"

"It's always good to stay humble."

"I'm the most powerful witch in the universe.." I smile. "I'm not a humble person."

She slowly nods and walks towards Strange. I look at my hands before looking back up.

"Can I go home now?"

"Yes.. you may go home."


I throw a portal and walk through it. I grab my bags from my room here at the Sanctum. I throw another portal that leads back home.

I grab all of my bags excited to finally go home. I love Strange and Clea, I really do but I miss my mom. And Lydia of course.

I walk towards my house, walking in. My mom turns around, dropping the plate in her hand. It shatters the second it hits the floor.


She makes her way towards me, throwing her arms around my body. I think the person I always miss the most is her when I'm away. Growing up with really only her as my mother and father, made us grow a strong bond.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetie."

She lets go of me, grabbing my face. She smiles before letting it go. She walks to the broken plate and starts to pick it up.

"Mom, I can do it."

"It's fine."

She cuts her hand on one of the ridges. I hold my hand out, levitating the pieces back together. Fourteen years later and the whole magic thing is still very unnatural for her. She's never said it aloud but I know how it makes her feel.

The world of magic is known to the common world and although she's been explained everything it's still very weird that her daughter of all people is a being called the Violet Witch.

She looks away, holding her hand. I set my bags down and walk towards her. I grab her hand, healing the cut.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just happy to have you home."

I force a smile. I know she loves me more than life itself but in a way I feel ashamed for what I am. I didn't choose this. She knows it too. I understand she never wanted this for me and it's hard because she wants to protect me and Scott.

Which is why he doesn't know what I am. It's really for his own protection. Strange has told me on many occasions that being who I am comes with a responsibly but also a target on my back.

Since becoming sixteen my magic changed into something more powerful than it was. And it's only going to grow more and more until I finally unleash this magic inside me itching to get out.

"Is Scott home?"

"He left with Stiles hours ago."

"Figured.." I say. "I'm going to stop by the cemetery and then head to Lydia's."

I grab my bags and start to head towards the stairs.

"I put some fresh flowers at her grave."

"Thank you."

I walk up the stairs and go straight to my room. I set my bags down and look at my vanity. In the bottom left corner is a picture of Lydia, Bella and I on our first day of first grade.

We met in kindergarten because I couldn't stop talking and the teacher thought by putting me next to Bella, who was the quiet student that I would stop. I didn't. Lydia was also at the table.

That day we became a trio that would never be apart. They became my best friends. Until the day Bella died.

She was the only daughter of Emma Frost. Why of all towns that she decided to send her daughter here is beyond me. Some part of me thinks it was because we were meant to meet.

She died a hero. A random attack by mutants out for revenge for what her mother did as a young teen. She fought as hard as she could. I just wish I had gotten there sooner. Maybe I could've saved her.

I take a deep breath and throw a portal. I walk through it and head straight to where she is buried. I walk towards the headstone that still looks new. It's been six months of not having her here and it's gotten better.

I sit down, fixing the flowers my mom left. I think when Bella died it made everything much more real for my mom. The reality of being someone powerful.

Bella was born with powers like Emma but Bella's powers were more powerful than Emma. She was considered to be the most powerful telepath. And she was well on a path to becoming a powerful X-Men.

Both our paths were laid out for us. She was excited to become an X-Men and I decided that being an Avenger was probably more in my cards. It really only took Kate convincing me to agree.

The day she died will forever haunt me. She died in my arms and I couldn't do a thing. She was already gone.


I turn around and look at Isaac Lahey. Last year he asked me out every single day for about a month, each and every time I would turn him down. Even now he still tries.


"I didn't see you come in."

"I must've snuck by you."

"Your mom was here the other day.. I didn't know you were back."

"Just got back today."

I stand up and take in a deep breath.

"I should go."

I walk around him.

"You free Thursday?"


I leave and wait until I know he's not looking to throw a portal.

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