12| This will create a war we will not win

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I jump when Stiles slams his textbooks in front of me. I look around and see the classroom empty.

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes." He says. "But you looked pretty."

I roll my eyes. I stand up and we walk out together. He walks me to my car.

"Scott's not here."

"Which means what exactly?"

"I can do this."

He kisses my cheek before running off to his car. I smile and get into mine. I drive home, realizing my mom is home. I walk inside and she's in the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Took the day off. Don't think I forgot about parent teacher conferences."

I set my bag down and walk towards her.

"Well.. I'm not the one who should be worried."

"How was New York?"

When I got home last night she was already sleeping. I didn't want to wake her so I went straight to my room.

"It wasn't that much fun.. just.. magic stuff."

She slowly nods.

"I'm gonna go take a nap. My head is killing me."

I walk up the stairs and go straight to my room. I plop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I end up falling asleep in the process.

I look around the woods. I don't know where I am. I start walking when I hear rustling. I stop and look around. I notice a small fire going so I start walking towards it.

"She is not a threat."

"She has already activated the werewolf curse.. how exactly is she not a threat, Lucinda?"

I get to the fire and see five cloaked figures standing around it.

"She's a child."

"A child who's power exceeds any of ours."

The hoods are all removed. They all look similar to some capacity. They all have black hair and blue eyes.

"She killed Macy.."

"I knew Macy wasn't ready and now we have one less witch."

"She does not have the Kitsune by her side yet.. we all know the scriptures that foretell the Kitsune as one of her horseman." 

I vaguely remember something Strange told me about a Kitsune and my four horseman. A Kitsune, Banshee, Archer and Witch. The Kitsune is meant to be my right hand woman. 

I can't really tell if this is happening in real time or if this is the past. It feels like the present but I can't be too sure. 

"What are we going to do?"

"Nothing.. we wait for her to mess up."

They all turn their head to the voice. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so beautiful. Everything about her is enchanting as much as I hate to say it.

"She's bound to mess something up."

"But now she has the Mikaelson's backing her."

"You think the Mikaelson's scare me?"

"That witch killed you."

She smiles and struts towards them. Like literally struts. She's hot and knows it. 

"Davina Claire is no threat to us.."

"Your ignorance is what will cause Olivia to win! Enough, Ursula!"

The woman quickly gets Ursula to shut up. She must be her mother and the coven leader. They all stare amongst one another. 

"Olivia has to willingly give up the Order Magic for you to take what is rightfully yours.. she will not do it." 

"Perhaps with the right motivation she will."  

Ursula smiles, holding up her hand. My eyes widen when Bella walks towards them. She's alive but she doesn't look the same. There's dark circles around her eyes. It's almost like she's being controlled. 

"And you think Emma Frost will let you trout around her daughter like some toy?" 

"Emma will never know."

"You better hope not. This will create a war that we will not win."

"How can you be so sure, Mother?"

"Witches, werewolves.. vampires around the world will back the tribrid. And don't think for a second that the mutants and sorcerers will not follow suit." 

Ursula looks angry. She twists her hand but her mother is faster, throwing a dark purple energy blast at her. Her mother looks over her shoulder at me. 


I jolt up, trying to catch my breath. I sit up when someone knocks on the door. I look out my window and realize it's dark now. The knocking continues so I get up and go downstairs. 

I get to the door, swinging it open. A girl with long blonde hair turns around. The second I see her face I recognize her. 

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She grabs her bags on the ground and walks past me. She sets them down, looking around. 

"Uhh, hello? Are you deaf?"

She looks at me with a smile. 

"Lizzie Saltzman."

I cross my arms. 

"Caroline's your mother."

"And my step dad is your.. Klaus."

"I'm guessing he sent you?"

She slowly nods. I look at her and can sense she's a witch but her magic is kind of weird. It's not fully there. 

"You're a witch?" I ask. "How?"

"My bio mom was from a coven of witches."

"Wait.. your bio mom?"

"We have a lot more in common than you think, Olivia."

I get good vibes from Lizzie. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust her. 

"Call me Liv."

"We're gonna have so much fun!"

She claps and does a little jump. 

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