7| Our family has been waiting for you

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Allison and I walk away from my locker after she finishes her rant about Scott. And I get it. He literally left her stranded at Lydia's.

"My brother is a complete dipshit.. sorry for him stranding you."

"He didn't tell you anything?"

"Scott and I may be twins but we're not very close. I don't divulge my life to him and he doesn't to me."

It's the sad truth. She looks behind me, waving.

"Oh, shoot. I forgot to tell my dad you were bringing me home."

I walk with her to her father.

"Dad, this is Liv."

I hold out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Argent."

"You can call me Chris."

He grabs my hand to shake.

"Okay, Argent."

"That's a firm grip there."

"My dad's an FBI agent.. he always told me to assert dominance when meeting someone new."

"He's a smart man."

"Some of his advice is good, but some of it absolute shit."

I used to be really close with my dad when I was younger. I was always his little girl. That all changed when one drunken night I watched him knock Scott down the stairs. Scott doesn't remember but I do. I remember all the nights of my parents yelling at one another.

"I like you."

"I get that a lot."

He chuckles and Allison seems surprised.

"Liv is gonna bring me home. We're gonna go shopping."

"Sounds good to me."

I look over my shoulder and see Scott standing awkwardly.

"He probably wants to talk to you."

Allison slowly nods and walks toward him. I fully turn around and watch them with Argent.

"That's Scott?"

"Yep." I glance over at him. "My idiotic brother."


"I know it's super hard to tell but we're twins. Although, technically I am older by thirty seconds."

She walks back towards us and Scott stares at Argent next to me. I look at him confused as he rushes inside the school. We both walk to my car after saying goodbye to her dad.

"You have a nice car."

"It was a gift from Charles."

"Who's Charles?"

"Charles Xavier."

"Like the Charles Xavier?"

I nod. Being who I am, I know everyone. But he became a grandfather figure to me and Bella. He doesn't have any kids himself and has a shit ton of money so he spent it on me.

"He was close with Bella and I guess me in a sense."

I drive to the mall. I honestly didn't think I'd like Allison as much as I do. I figured she'd be just another doe eyed girl trying to become friends with Lydia and I. But she's so genuine.

"I could go for some froyo."

I smile and we head to the food court. We take turns ordering. Allison talks about her live moving from town to town and not really having a place to call home. It's sad. I mean I get it. Her dad owns an arms dealer business.

"You don't really see your dad?"

"I don't even remember the last time I seen him."



"I'm sorry."

I shrug

"My mom is all I need."

She really is. If I didn't have my mom I don't know what I'd do. She's my everything.

I look around, getting the sense we're being watched. I don't see anyone in view. I turn back to Allison.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I'm just tired."

"Yeah, me too."

We gather all our bags and head out. I drop her off at her house, driving home. But I'm not going home. I realize that when I park in front of the old Frost home.

Emma lived here in solitude. She wanted a new life after everything she did. A clean slate. I haven't seen her since Bella's death. Charles thinks she went off the rails. And she probably did.

I slowly get out of my car and stare at the front door. So many memories on the front porch that no matter how much I try to forget, I just can't.

I walk towards it, holding my hand out. I slowly put my hand on the knob.

"You thought you could hide from us forever?"

I turn around and am faced with someone who looks to be my age, maybe a year or two older. But she's a witch. I can feel it. I can also feel the dark magic inside her. It's not much but it's enough for me to sense it.

"And who the fuck are you?"

"We are family."

I laugh and shake my head.

"Is this a joke?" I ask. "Because all my family is here."

"Our family has been waiting for you."

She's kinda creepy. She talks quiet but almost sinister.

"I don't know who the hell sent you but tell them to fuck off."

I turn back towards the door, ducking when she throws an energy blast. I turn around and glare at her.

"Okay.. time to get your ass kicked."

I quickly throw an energy blast that she doesn't see coming. She's not very experienced because that could've been easily deflected.

"Who the hell sent you!"

She tries to throw another energy blast but I freeze her body in place.

"You.. are a monster..."

Anger starts boiling inside me.

"An evil amongst all evils."

"Shut up!"

"We sent the mutants after your friend.. after the Frost girl."

I summon her body to my hand. In one quick motion I create an energy dagger and stab it into her heart. Her body jolts at the contact. I let her body drop to the ground. Her heartbeat ceases and that's when my body starts to feel weird.

I drop to my knees. I start to lose control of my breathing. I hold myself up from completely falling. I look at my hands and think I'm seeing things when claws appear.

"What the.."

My teeth start transforming. I look up when I realize I am not alone. Strange and Clea stand side by side in front of one of Clea's portals. She looks distressed while Strange looks far from surprised.

"What is happening to me!"

"It's happening.."

"What is!"

"The prophecy."

Clea helps pick me up and we walk through her portal.

Castles Crumbling | S. StilinskiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora