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Callum made the most of that night as best he could. It hadn't been a good day for him—his spirits were down. But he knew it was an important night for the boys and he wouldn't let his gloominess ruin it. He would make an extra effort—after all, the hardest part of the night was already done: getting on stage and playing.

Before fetching the drinks, he needed to get some fresh air. The venue was packed with human heat, and he felt suffocated, especially with so many people around him.

Once he found his way outside, a cool breeze kissed his skin, bringing relief. His body begged for a cigarette. He knew it would calm him even more and put him in a state of euphoria, improving his mood for the night. He pulled out the pack from his pants pocket, realizing there was only one cigarette left. Well, this one will have to last the whole night, he thought. He groped the other pocket for the lighter, but it was nowhere to be found. He took a deep breath and stored the cigarette back in his pocket.

The music from inside mixed with the murmur of people outside. Some girls wouldn't stop whispering and throwing glances at him, but he simply didn't care, he didn't want to hear from any of them.

He took a deep breath and started walking toward the nearby park. The entrance, with low pointed fences, revealed a sign saying "Prospect Terrace", marking the beginning of the incredible green area.

Callum walked a bit until he reached his usual bench—his favorite refuge in that city. He gazed at the city lights on the horizon for a while. The serenity of the place contrasted with the frenzy he had left behind.

"I thought I'd find you here," a husky, low voice said. Callum recognized it immediately.

"Shay," he replied without enthusiasm. "How did you know I was here?"

"When are you not here?" she asked ironically. "You had disappeared, so I figured you'd be here." She sat beside him, rubbing her hands due to the cold.

"Sorry, but I can't stay inside right now." She took Callum's hand, and he felt a chill run down his spine. It was her way of comforting him. "Thank you."

She laid her head on his shoulder, and they stayed there for a while, not saying a word.

Callum started to get restless.

"Hey, Shay..." She looked at him. "Do you happen to have a lighter?"

Shay took a metallic object from her coat pocket and handed it to Callum. He immediately put his last cigarette in his mouth and lit it; he felt relieved as the smoke filled his lungs and the menthol scent passed through his nostrils, filling the air around him. The anxiety vanished instantly.

"You need to learn to cope without that stuff," Shay pointed with her eyebrow.

"As if you don't use it, my darling," Callum retorted.

"But I still insist it's a drug." She winked, managing to elicit a laugh from him.

The two remained there in silence for a good while. Callum couldn't get the events of that night out of his head. The panic he felt when he saw that crowd. On one hand, it was good, but on the other, it only heightened his anxiety. He kept remembering that night.

He only realized he was hurting his palm with his nails when he felt Shay's warm hand on his. It was comforting. It was what he needed.

"I always wanted to break this statue in half," she began. "This guy's pose annoys me." Shay raised her middle finger toward the statue that was in front of them.

Callum looked at the statue and started to observe it. He had never noticed how pompous it was.

"His little hand makes it look like he was the greatest king of all." The two burst into laughter.

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