Chapter 3

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Still in Monaco:

The next day, Kelly and Max decided to go visit Amelia. However, they knew that it would not be a good idea if they took Penelope as well. So they went downstairs to see Charles Leclerc and ask for help. After all, they had to use the boys as cheap labor hence the free babysitting. Although that never bothered the boys. They liked Penelope.

 So Max went downstairs and knocked. A few minutes later a sleepy Charles answered it with a question in his eyes. "What do you want so early in the morning Max?" Max laughed. "Early in the morning? It's almost 12 o'clock." Charles nodded "I said early in the morning. Say what's so important that you're waking me up?" Max sighed. 

It wasn't his thing to explain so he just said. "We need to go to France because of some sudden business and Penny can't come with us. Could you keep an eye on her? We'll explain everything to you then. Somehow it's not my business to explain it now. We should be back either today or tomorrow." Charles smiled. "Sure man. I don't have any problem with that. You know how much we all love Penelope. I'll call Arthur too."

"Thank you. It means a lot to me. We'll be leaving in a moment." Max went back to his apartment and explained to Penelope that they had something urgent to deal with and she would be going to see Charles and Arthur, maybe for the night. It was easy. 

Penelope loved being with the other F1 drivers. After all, her biological father was a Formula One driver. Max and Kelly put their stuff in the car after leaving Penelope with Charles, who would surely go with her to watch Disney. They prepared for quite a long car journey totaling 2.5 hours. For Max it was nothing he is used to long travel. For Kelly it was already a little worse.


An unpleasant heavy sensation of pain hit Amelia's fragile body. She was awake, but she didn't want to be awake. How many golden treasures at this moment would be worth the desire for Amelia to go back to sleep and escape the physical pain? The first time Amelia woke up like this was in the hospital.

"Où suis-je ?" ("Where am I?") just had a nurse with her so she didn't wake up to an empty white room. "A l'hôpital. Comment te sens-tu ? Tu as mal ?" ("In hospital. How are you feeling? Are you in pain?") the older nurse asked. Amelia hadn't expected anyone to be nice to her after waking up from the quite nice darkness. 

She wasn't used to it surely such exceptions happened once in a while. But then again she remembered the crash and how her dad had been driving drunk she remembered that they were coming from her training and she had twisted her ankle there and couldn't walk back. She also had no money for a bus or taxi.

 She was well aware that this would upset her father, but she had no choice. She also remembered that the side most affected was the side where her father was sitting. Therefore, she knew that what was happening to him was not good at all.

"Et mon père ? Qu'en est-il de mon père ? Comment va-t-il ? Est-ce qu'il va bien ?" ("And my father? What about my father? How is he? Is he okay?") the nurse looked at her sadly and walked over to her. Doctors and nurses alike hated telling family members such terrible news. They avoided it like the devil avoided a cross.

" Je suis vraiment désolée, ma chérie, mais ton père n'a pas survécu, c'est un miracle que tu aies survécu. Peu de gens survivent à une telle collision à grande vitesse. Tu as eu beaucoup de chance d'avoir tes anges gardiens à tes côtés. Sinon, tu ne serais pas là. Je suis vraiment désolé pour votre perte." 

(" I'm so sorry sweetheart but your dad didn't make it, it's a miracle you survived. Not many people survive a high-speed collision like that. You were very lucky to have your guardian angels by your side. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here. I'm very sorry for your loss.")

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