"Tv Series" Dream

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**so this dream is broken up into episodes sort of, so before each "scene" there will be a context box so you can get the gist of the new "set". Felt like speed running a season of a show in one night but in dream form.**


(Context: studying in theatre classroom during/after Shrek rehearsal)

Hanging out with Fiona, Aphrodite, and Thumbelina, and I laughed at smth Fiona said to mock Aphrodite, so girlie threw a paper ball at me from something she was working on, and looked over her glasses while telling me to shut up. I laughed more lol. We ended up starting a mini snowball fight and throwing paper balls between the four of us, and I started hanging out with them a lot more.

(Context: in study hall next school-day; I say that bc I think it was a Monday)

I was sitting in my usual spot on the floor, and Aphrodite was at her desk working on the same project from the previous "episode". I looked kinda tired/sad and apparently we were friends bc she asked me if I was okay. We talked about it quietly for a little while, and she had moved to work next to me on the floor to hear better. It was just a normal conversation but she was very sweet abt it and concerned. (Set her hand on my knee at some point during this)

(Context: after a few weeks/month[s]? Just in the hall somewhere, talking abt previous rehearsals)

I was just walking and ran into her (figuratively) in the hall and we were laughing about an understudy rehearsal (scene: Farquaad x Fiona first meeting; Aphrodite played Farquaad in Shrek 🤭😂) and how she couldn't keep a straight face the first few times. I made a joke about the "woah, broomstick horse," line, and she and I talked about how fun the play had been. (Idk where to, but) We were walking somewhere while talking; never found out where?? Probably a nonexistent classroom..?

(Context: idk, it was a blank white/pinkish wall behind us so I have no clue where this was; I think it's a few minutes to an hour after the previous one, bc I never figured out where we were going before, and this one is a non-existent place on our campus that my head made up.)

Hugs. That's it, I just got a hug 🤗✨ (maybe 👀) for more detail, she hugged me from behind/side-ish kinda like one actual time when she was reaching around me, but she meant to in the dream. Just hugged me and said she was checking on me; we talked abt how I was doing for a bit, and she just had her chin on my shoulder while talking to me, arms kinda draped over my hips/around my waist from behind. She wasn't whispering bc I heard her voice, but she sounded soft and tender in volume and tone, and I remember it making dream me blush. (I think her breath was lightly brushing my neck/bottom of my ear, too)

(Context: backstage?? No play happening, so might be out of order chronologically, I just remember this "scene" being in this order for some reason [100% my favourite one])

I fell asleep hanging out backstage, but idk if it was a rehearsal or not; just after school, backstage, not in costume either. Dream me vaguely remembered hands on my face/in my hair and a head in someone's lap, while hearing a small part of a conversation between Aphrodite and Fiona. Thumbelina was somewhere nearby as well. Also "remembered" blurry bits and pieces of what I "saw(?)"; mildly tanned hands with pink nails (describing Aphrodite's current nail colour at the time the dream occurred), Fiona in front of me, and then later, Thumbelina to her side (implying that if I can see both of them, and my head is in someone's lap and I hear Aphrodite speaking, then she's the one holding me 🥵😳; idk if Thumbelina was on Fiona's left or right, don't remember). We were backstage right. I also remember something abt the sensation of being wrapped in the smell of her perfume (which I didn't know the smell of irl at that point; I do now and I have to say my subconscious was pretty accurate in guessing) she kinda gently brushed the sensitive spot behind my ear/above my pulse point while running her hands through my hair. (Bc apparently we were very friendly 🫣🤭)

(Context: last scene; I was in the middle of it when I woke up 🥲. dream was in theatre classroom again)

I "Stole" her glasses to try on, and could not see. She laughed at me and took them back, telling me not to distract her from working and I had made a joke along the lines of "oh I'm distracting?" (Pure innocence on my face ensues) and laughed when she swatted my arm with the back of her hand.

(Woke up here. 🥲🥲)

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