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Dream on: 12/6/23

(Context - a trip/alumni meet up?? Just a fun trip to some place with a lot of games?)

Basically it was late (like 22:00-23:00) and there was this little cabin thing that I'd been playing some game that was like a cross between a ring toss, air hockey, and ping pong?? I have no idea how to explain the rules, but surprisingly the game actually made sense. It was called like "apple chip" or something (even tho that name is entirely unrelated to the premise of the game), and the obstacles kinda looked like onion rings (which would be a more appropriate name)😂😂

But anyway there was like three different ways to play it at this big pool table sized table. One way was with a partner, like air hockey and ping pong, and the other was with a big group which is how the ring toss part comes in. So the cabin thing was like main event sized, but I was hanging out in a smaller part of it during the day playing with Athena or a "camp leader" type of npc (since I don't think it was a camp?).

 Later tho, when it got dark, I went to like the main hall area where there was a bunch of these tables for this weird game, and I was playing one of them with a big group, and Aphrodite started talking to me like I was her age (bc for some reason it was common knowledge for dream me that she had graduated college) and like kinda "oh yeah you were that one girl in my study hall" small talk and stuff but like she actually remembered/knew my name and was like actually talking about theatre stuff like she was interested in the conversation and not just small talk like "how's the weather" but more like "so how have you been" and like "we should talk sometime/be friends" and stuff.

She got kinda flirty but not to the extent that she was like coming on to me or anything.

Just kinda like "woah no way you're only *insert age two years older than irl*?? (I was a college junior ig) You're so pretty" and "I thought you were older" and stuff like that. 😱🫣 but like she was being super sweet and offered to play the game with me and it got kinda competitive and like in a flirty way where it was like "hah I'm winning" *smexy chuckles* but also, like *body language flirting bending a little too far in a bit too dramatic and sensual of a way* 👀👀👀

And so we played for a while and I think she kissed me or something later on during a part where the lights were lower and the music was rly loud, and it was rly hot 🥵🥵🫠 was dying but also enjoying it very much. I remember dream me being like super relieved and excited at the same time bc it had been like two years since she graduated. Anyway it was rly cool bc she didn't immediately regret it or anything but she did kinda laughed and went "well I thought I was straight but I think I've realized lately I might not be"

and I was like "okay well, I— was nice when you kissed me anyway," and she was like *nods while laughing* (me:) "so would you wanna maybe hang out some time??" (How any lesbian shyly asks "will you go out with me?") and she was like "yeah sure!" And then we hung out the rest of the night before we both left (to separate places lol) to sleep in the cabins. Implied that we went out at some point but I didn't actually see that part...? 😭🥺🥲 *cries in lonely touch-starved hooman*

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