Prom Queen

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Easter Sunday, 3/31/24

 So this dream was set at my very first time at a Jr/Sr prom during my freshman year because I went with one of my best friends (Artemis). Keep in mind that would make me like fourteen or fifteen when this dream takes place 💀 so Aphrodite would probably be a junior or a senior in high school at the time. 

 It was in this like vintage theatre style of building, but was a museum?? (Not at all where it actually was lol) anyway, there was this like beautiful grand staircase that wrapped around the left side of the room as a balcony on the second floor and then the stairs themselves came down into the centre of the dance floor/ballroom(?) and yk had the red velvet carpet and all that stuff you get the point, very royalcore and medieval ✨🫶🏻 anyway, I was in my like mauve pink prom dress (surprisingly my actual freshman year dress somehow bc my dreams almost always change things 😂) and I was with Artemis who was in a red dress similar to one she almost bought that year, and we were talking off to the side and had just gotten there maybe twenty minutes before(?) and had descended those very stairs as had everyone else and waited for the place to fill up more.

 Basically we were talking tho and the one of the teachers from our high school hops on the mic and goes "and introducing, this year's Prom Queen by majority vote..." and I was like "shit it's Aphrodite isn't it? She's gorgeous and literally perfect and everyone loves her so ofc they'd pick her she's literally class president." (Even though all of that applies to the present and not my freshman year 😂) he continues with "*insert Aphrodite's real full name*" and basically the absolute love of my life shows up in this like jaw-dropping-ly-gorgeous blue ball gown 

(Like THIS but with a slit up to mid-thigh):

And yeah, anyway my world was *rocked* and I was like 😳⁉️ "gahdamn" and so I'm like anime nosebleed level of gay panicking in this dream and Artemis is like "bro chill tf out you're good just go talk to her, you wanted a picture, remember??" And ...

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And yeah, anyway my world was *rocked* and I was like 😳⁉️ "gahdamn" and so I'm like anime nosebleed level of gay panicking in this dream and Artemis is like "bro chill tf out you're good just go talk to her, you wanted a picture, remember??" And I was like "nah you're so real for that thx bbg 🫶🏻" (a very summed up version of a longer conversation) and so I managed to breathe enough to walk over there without collapsing out of sheer nerves and flustered-ness, and end up talking with her bc apparently all the irl lore from rn about us kinda becoming acquaintance-friends instead of friends-of-friends recently still applied somehow? But like yeah we talked and had a fun time together and I got my picture apparently but like I ended up getting her number (currently a work-in-progress irl but I'm getting there!! 😉) and we hung out with like a mesh of our irl friends and some of my high school friends and dream NPCs.

 But like idk apparently I had rizz or smth bc this woman was blushing and Idek what I said lmaoooo I can't remember 😭😂 smth abt her dress probably. But yeah overall a 10/10 dream and a sure fire way to make me wake up damn flustered and kinda sweating on an 💀Easter morning💀

EDIT!!! I forgot some super important details that confused the crap out of me when I woke up that morning because we kept calling her "Regina" but like in both the English name pronunciation and the Latin pronunciation meaning 'Queen' because a few of our friends took Latin also and we were kinda lightly teasing her but apparently my accent is hot bc people keep telling me so (even the teacher irl was like "your accent is beautiful; I'm impressed") and I alr KNOW Aphrodite has a hot accent in Latin so we were like homies-with-just-barely-socks-on kinda messing around and half of my dream was in another language but I'm not fluent or bilingual so I was shook af when I woke up and was like "wtaf 🧐 how did I understand any of that? And why was it legit Latin?"

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