🌸Pretty as a Peach Flower🌸

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Wednesday, 4/3/24

 Context: if you couldn't tell I rly love that peach tree, bc peach flowers (and the taste of peaches themselves) remind me of Aphrodite, and it's on campus near one of the very first places she ever talked to me. (It was maybe the second or third time we ever talked and then that tree exploded in flowers like two months later and reminded me so much of her that I stop by it pretty much every day but especially when she's not on campus just so I don't miss her so much 😂😭🫶🏻🫶🏻) so anyway that's been her nickname for a while now (since early-mid February; like prolly the Monday after valentines); I call her my Peach Flower 🌸🫶🏻🫶🏻

 Basically in this dream we just talked more often and hung out occasionally on campus while walking to different classes we have that are close together (cause legit we have like three—besides the free period we used to share last semester—that are RIGHT next to each other location-wise) and it was short af but cute and wholesome bc it felt very organic and on brand for her to be talking and acting the way she was and being sweet like that; basically the overall main point of the dream tho, was that we'd taken a walk by the tree while the flowers were out just before they fell off to become fruit, and I had mentioned smth along the lines of "awh I'm so sad they're falling off! I hope we get good fruit though!" And she was like "yeah ikr; they're so pretty!" And I went "that's what I said! Yk, they kind of remind me of you tbh." And she was flattered first off (bc we literally just agreed that they're gorgeous and then I just go 'like you' 😳🤯😵‍💫the absolute ladies' woman I was being right here??) and then curious and she laughed all cute and went "well thank you 🥰✨ how so??"

 And I was like "well like we said, they're pretty, first off; you're pretty too." Keep in mind we were platonic friends in this one so it's cute and sweet but like slightly too flirty if she actually knew how I feel 💀😂 and she was like "oh?" And I just like went on with; "and the pink reminds me of you because it's soft and gentle and pink looks pretty on you. Like that sweater you wear sometimes. It compliments your features and makes you look warm and glowy." She was literally kinda stunned at this point and somehow I was just confidently telling her all of this like it was fact and not me completely rizzing her up 😂 and so she just kinda stood there like "😳🤭////" all giggly and sweet but very confused. And then I'm literally over here chugging along like let's keep rolling and just went "they have little freckles if you look reeeeaaalllly close, too. They're the same shade as your hair and you have a few on your face also. And they smell sweet and delicate like the perfume you wear—which smells nice by the way where did you buy it?—and the tree itself eventually bears peaches which I can't rly explain but the taste of the fruit reminds me of your personality somehow??? You're sweet and funny but have a little bit of sass that kicks in and comes laced in sarcasm and it just reminds me of peaches for some reason."

 So basically I went full femme-lesbian stereotype in this dream and gave the most detailed, creatively accurate compliment I could ever possibly muster and showed all of my affection, but stated it like fact bc it was treated as fact and then just moved on and shrugged like 🤷🏻‍♀️ "I mean it's true! Don't be embarrassed lol you're so sweet!" And this girl was like 😵‍💫☺️🤭✨🥰 and I was just laughing softly and she goes "thank you." But like reaaaallllllyyyyyyy quiet and shy and it was the cutest little thing. And then we kept talking and hanging out and every once in a while when the opportunity arose I'd randomly be like "pretty as a peach flower" when she asked me how she looked or like "sweet as a peach" when she asked if she came off mean or smelled good 😂💀💀 and then I woke up and was like damn well that was cute af 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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