American Sign Language

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Monday, 4/1/24

*tw; talk of hypothetical r-wording. Doesn't actually happen, very briefly mentioned, but still there*

 Okay so this was the SECOND time this week I had a bilingual dream??? And it wasn't even the same language as the first! It was ASL! Like bro? 😂 (I've studied a lot of languages in a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none kind of way because ik a lot of really random-ass words in like eight language phases I had from like fifth grade up until now so I can understand a lot of each one, but can't really speak much of any besides Latin, ASL, and Russian; I've done English—obviously—bc that's my first language, then French, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Latin and ASL before.)

 also I'm writing these (meaning the chapters 'Prom Queen' all the way to 'Pretty as a Peach Flower') all on Friday, 4/5/24 so I can say I have some foresight and tell you I dreamt abt this damn girl FOUR DAYS IN A ROW THIS WEEK 😂😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I have never had a bigger Love-Hate relationship with my subconscious than I had waking up this week. I was like "why tf do you keep doing this to me? Just let me be confident irl and talk to bro again so I never have to wake up from an interaction with her" but like also "nope going back to sleep now I was enjoying myself" at the same time 😂😭😭

ANYWAYYYY on to the dream;

 So some context, Aphrodite's parents absolutely adore me, like I would be their adopted child if I wasn't already basically married to their daughter (still makes me the child in law tho so like 🤷🏻‍♀️). Pretty much I hear all the stories and tea abt their family all the time bc her mom and younger sister (who I'm steadily earning brownie points with and trying to befriend bc once I do that I'm part of the family and Aphrodite will pretty much be my wife at that point 😂 *not literally, she has a bf and I would absolutely never come onto someone who's in a relationship bc I don't do that shit I'm purely being SATIRE for the point of saying I'm really close with her family*) so I'm not unused to hearing her sister complain abt Aphrodite being grumpy bc she's not a morning person or their mom talking abt what to get at the store the next weekend or like their dad literally trying to get me out of my math class so I can hang out in his class instead bc I don't like my class 😂🫶🏻🫶🏻(love him he's so wholesome like even if I wasn't in love with his daughter, must protect bc he is smol bean)

  Like even Aphrodite herself talking to friends in the halls or to one of her parents about her next basketball game or study habits or even when she sent me a picture of her schedule as an example since I asked her how she stays organized (I say this one specifically bc that was a personal planner picture, like physical therapy appointments and friends' birthdays and basketball games and like work shifts and stuff were on it and she just fully trusted me with it even tho that was like the first time I talked to her for longer than just five seconds of gay panicking 💀so even she treats me like a family member)

 Essentially, they're all very comfortable around me and the only family member of theirs I don't know would be the oldest kid, Aphrodite and Cinderellas older brother, and like just him and their grandpa bc I do actually know their grandma and the sarcasm is very much generational 😂

So that in mind, my dream was kinda just a normal school day and then I had rehearsal afterward but bc the director (their mom) is literally my second mother, I'm almost always a little early so I just hang out with her and sometimes Cinderella if she's there. So I went to rehearsal in the dream and sat down in the directors classroom like normal, just kinda chilling on the floor and talking to Cinderella and her mom and some of the parent volunteers that come in and out. At some point, Aphrodite called her mom while we were talking, and had sounded (from the one side of the conversation her sister and I could hear) like she was panicking or upset abt something and the director was just trying to get her to calm down so she could understand what she was saying (bc frantic talking usually doesn't make sense lmao). So she figures out that Aphrodite is on campus still and something happened with her boyfriend that she was upset at him and her dad for.

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