An After-Show Drink

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**A/N: I love this dream 🥰 this was last night, and I woke up so happy and warm and fuzzy.

Okay but fr, a new bestie has to be added to our roster of people, so I'm gonna put her in the intro**


(Some irl context: Artemis and I were both in a show, and its closing night was last night; so Aphrodite was in the audience because she wasn't acting in it this time, and I was joking like "let's go ~socialize~ ;)" because Artemis knows I like Aphrodite. She laughed and was actually going to help me and be my lil wingwoman, but we kept getting drug off to talk to family and old teachers from high school that came to see the show, so we couldn't talk to her before she left 🥲. I was kinda sad, but she'd already briefly said hello and good job to a few of us during intermission so it was still kinda worth it 🥰🥰. Anyway she looked absolutely adorable last night; had a black sweater with little coloured hearts in rows of magenta, blue, yellow, and I think either red or orange from top to bottom, with purple-y magenta shorts. And her hair was perfect as always so yk nothing new but damn 🤭

 So now that I've set that up, I fell asleep last night thinking about how to talk to her and maybe be friends (we're kind of friends-of-friends right now), and I was listening to a Spotify playlist of songs that remind me of her, so my dream was kind of about the aftermath of the show if I'd actually gotten to talk to her. Obviously it's highly romanticized because neither of us drink or are that close but yk 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ only so realistic before it's not a dream anymore I guess.)

 So the theatre department on campus always does a cast party after we strike the set, and last time(after Shrek), Aphrodite was super aloof and kinda shy (she was super tired so I definitely get it); but we had a cast party after Matilda last night, and it was really fun. For some reason she stuck around in my dream instead of leaving and was at the party, and several of us went to a small coffee shop-bar type of place after the party. Little, and pretty cosy. I guess she drove a few of the others there, and Artemis drove me. Anyway she was teasing me, like "omg she's here too, you should definitely 'socialize'. I'll come with you but srsly go say hi." And so I was laughing a little and was like "okay come on then."

 So we went and found her sitting toward the back with some drink (idk what, smth fruity so maybe a margarita) that she was lightly sipping on. Artemis was like "omg Aphrodite, hey! How did you enjoy the show?" And other lil bits of small talk to kind of start a conversation so it'd be easier for me to jump in and talk too. But I was kinda just watching and listening to them for a little bit, both of us had sat on either side of her (she was on an L-shaped bench in a corner, so I sat next to her and Artemis sat on the other side of the corner, perpendicular to both of us), I was mostly just watching them talk bc I was trying to place why Aphrodite seemed sad or quiet, but once they'd started talking she seemed to brighten up a little. I figured she might have been feeling a little lonely maybe, and actually started to pay attention to the conversation where she'd said something like "you guys did great up there! And that dress is really cute, by the way. I like your shirt too, Artemis." I smiled and was like "awh thank you, I love your outfit, I forgot to mention that earlier when you came in during intermission."

 We were just talking about stuff and hanging out and eventually Artemis came in smooth and was like "we should totally hang out sometime, the three of us" and Aphrodite was like "sure! Here's my number for both of you; **********" and I was thinking like "nah there's no way she actually got her to give me her number 😂😳" and Aphrodite was like "this is actually pretty good ngl (abt her drink)" and I was like "oh what did you get?" I don't remember what she said but she offered me a sip and was like "you can have some if you like it" I of course died but was like "oh thanks" and took a sip while trying to be cool abt it so I wouldn't gay panic and get embarrassed. I ended up looking it bc it was some strawberry drink (I think it was frozen??) and she was like "okay cool because there's no way I'm going to finish all of it, I thought they were smaller." And I laughed and thought she meant she'd split it or smth but nah she just did the thing I always do with my friends (especially athena) and was like "oh whatever you can just drink out of it" and I was like "😳🤭oh, alright, thanks" but flustered af and artemis was laughing.

 She just went "hey I think I see the guy I like out there so I'm gonna go say hi, but you two can hang out here. (😏 what a good wingwoman istg) I'm gonna see if I can get his number." So we both were like 👀👀🤭 "good luck" and kept talking abt the show and theatre and just generally things we both like, and she mentioned that she'd been feeling a bit lonely (bc apparently her bf didn't exist in the dream for some reason) and was like "this has been nice, thanks for coming to say 'hi'." And I was like 🥺 "awh I'm sorry you've been feeling like that, but I'm glad I could help a little." And she was like ☺️ and gave me like a sort of hug where she just leaned into my side a little and lay her head on my shoulder. I was like🥺🥺🥺 and just kinda rubbed one hand up and down her back and she just kinda left her head against my shoulder and took a sip of her drink before offering me another. 

 We were just talking quietly in our own little bubble and my hand was just resting on her lower back while she was resting on my shoulder, and it was rly sweet and fluffy.

 I don't remember what happened after that 🥲🥲 but ik there was more in between bc I remember Artemis saying "omg you guys looked so cute" before she drove me back to my house. 

Dream Journal 📓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon