Aphrodite on Valentines Day

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*in case I haven't already said this, I date these using the night I had the dream, not the day I write these. I'm writing this the day after Valentine's Day on the fifteenth.*

2/14/24 (valentines day) 🥲

 So Valentine's Day sucked for me for the first time in like seven plus years, and I was kinda sad, yk Valentine's Day blues and such. But I went to bed missing Aphrodite with a lot on my mind, and a giant-ass stuffed bear that I got from a friend, and I was listening to the Spotify playlist that reminds me of her, but apparently I fell asleep with my student ID lanyard against my chest (I use it to carry the poetry I write for her close to my heart during the day) and I had a dream about her bc my bed smells like her perfume and all the vibes were there except mood lighting—which I set up today, bc I went and put up LEDs in my room.

 Anyway, for some reason, there were a few of our friends from theatre and we were standing in the parking lot of the restaurant I went to last night for dinner, just leaning against our cars. Aphrodite had the cutest jacket on yesterday (I swear this woman has the best outfit game I've ever seen for a tired busy student with like four extracurriculars), it was denim and was a bunch of panels of white and various shades of pink and her hair was cascading down her back all perfect and pretty as usual. Yes the jacket does actually matter so keep that in mind; anyway the rest of her outfit was a black shirt and light blue jeans, but in the dream, she'd done the same thing I did and changed for dinner but kept the pink and white and red colour scheme. (I put on a vintage like fifties dress that was pink with a white collar and cuffs and some little pearl buttons down the front, and had my hair in a high ponytail that was mildly curly with a red bow that's got tails literally the same length as my hair. And I topped it off with some sparkly heels 🥰🥰)

 So my outfit in the dream was the same dinner outfit I mentioned, and she was wearing a pink dress that wasn't form-fitting but was like a pencil dress if it was a little bit looser. It had a light pink iridescent tulle layer on the outside so it was really pretty in the sunlight and she was wearing her jacket on top of it so like yes. Just very aesthetically pleasing as always. We were kinda talking with our friends and hanging out, she was standing to my right. We were talking to the other and not so much each other, so I didn't really notice that I was standing near her until she addressed me and then I was kinda surprised and a lil bit nervous. Anyway I don't know what she said, but we both laughed softly and I actually joined her conversation with the friend I had been talking to.

 At some point, we ended up leaning against the back of my car (even though in the dream it was more like my aunts flex, than my enclave) and she kinda bumped her shoulder into mine all cute and playful and was like "hey would you grab me that thing over there?" Idk what it was, smth yellow? But I was like "😳🥰 sure!" And went and got it for her and came back a few minutes later to hand it to her.

 But like, I handed it to her and she didn't immediately pull her hand back and take it, she just left her palm face up and held it between our two hands and I was like  😳😳😳😳 bc her fingers were brushing against my wrist, and mine were just resting slightly closed around the object in the palm of her hand. Her hands are surprisingly warm and soft irl and apparently my subconscious has that memory in a flagged file under "Important for making me flustered in dreams" bc like, it comes in clutch almost every time. (I think the only reason I really even notice that is because she's so warm I could feel it through a leather glove during our first show together, and my hands are always freezing af 😂).

 Either way, it was one of those "her eyes locked with mine and the tension was palpable. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, and my face was getting warm..blah blah blah" fanfic moments where it's like such a hot tension moment over literally nothing but even beyond the cringe it's surprisingly relatable af. Yeah, so my dream was a fanfic writers every word but in movie form  😂😂 Anyway, she's beautiful and I really love her but I thought this dream was kind of a sweet moment, ngl. Even if it it was kind of giving "that one anime scene where the girl is all sparkly and has the pink circles behind her bc she's the love interest" 😂 all joking aside, she's such a sweetheart and this really captured how playful she is 🤷🏻‍♀️

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