Chapter 2

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A/N hello, just wanted to pop in and warn anyone reading
Abuse (mental , physical ,and sexual)
Sexual assault
If any of that even remotely triggers you pls don't read I don't wish to cause harm upon anyone!!


*Aizawas pov (still)*
I was praying the boy would open up, He clearly needed to. I was still rummaging my brain for anything I could say or do to get him more comfortable with me but I couldn't think of anything I was just kind of hoping he would open up.

"P-please don't s-send me back t-there again!" I was shocked by this response but I didn't question it. I didn't know how I was going to, but I would make sure whomever hurt him wouldn't touch him again however my rage was cut short by my student weeping in front of me.

"Tell me what's wrong so I can help." I state quietly. He waits a few seconds before responding. "Promise you won't yell or freak out?" This was not a promise I could 100% complete but I was definitely going to try. I didn't want to scare him! "Promise.

"M-my Mom i-isn't very safe t-to be around." "How so?" I was very concerned at this point, Any logical reason in me was hanging on by a tread of which my sanity was weighing down.

"S-she hits me sometimes." Sometimes my ass, the kid was black and blue. While it may be partly because of whatever happened, it definitely came from somewhere else too.

"Can you tell me what typically happens when you go home?"my voice was dripping with anger but it was very much laced with worry

"W-well first I would usually get m-met with a s-slap then I would usually get a normal b-beating. W-whenever my dad came home he-he would uhm."

"Kid what did he do?"
Midoriya tried to collect himself, and for the most part he did, but there was a very clear fear that almost anyone but a dead man could spot from a mile away.

"H-he w-would r-rape m-me"
I knew whatever happened was fucked up, but damn. The only thing I knew was that I was gonna make that fucker a knuckle sandwich with the crusts cut off.
"Can you tell me what a beating would typically look like ?"

"W-well uhm she w-would usually punch me a few times and t-throw some objects at me, but then she would u-usually stomp on me o-or throw me against a wall. Sometimes s-she would b-break her and dads b-beer bottles over M-my h-head." I knew I had to ask more questions about his home life but not right now. Right now I needed to ask about why the actual fuck I found him in an ally way

"Is what happens at home connected to what happened here?" I asked, however I was mostly trying to ease into the new found subject at hand.
I could not afford to scare him too bad right now

"Not really" I was mostly expecting a yes or no answer but this time I got a 'not really ' I couldn't tell if that was just a soft no or a 'somewhat'

"What do you mean by that?" I was already nauseous by what I had found out already but I had to push through to understand what the hell happened "W-well what happened wouldn't h-have happened i-if it wasn't for what happens at home b-but it's still not d-directly connected."

"So what did happen then?" I definitely didn't want to hear the answer I didn't even want to think about what could have happened to him but I still definitely had to know.

"S-some guy c-came up to m-me and h-he uhm, he r-raped m-me" he got cut off by some chocked sobs. He wouldn't look up, he hasn't this entire time he seemed ashamed. Sometimes I partly regret having this job because of events like this, especially when they are kids but having one of them be a kid I knew made everything just that much more realistic. I absolutely hated it.

"Can I give you a hug?" It wasn't just because the kid looked like he desperately needed it. It was also because I really wanted to give this kid a hug. He nodded and I don't know if I have ever leapt forward faster in my life. I needed the kid to know that someone cared and that he was safe in this moment. I loved this kid and it hurt to see him in this shape.

"Can you walk properly?"
"I-i don't know" I held out my hand and stood up he grabbed on and stood up but he collapsed, he was still conscious which helped ease a little bit of my anxiety but I couldn't figure out why he collapsed.
I picked him up and carried him over to my car which was only like a 4 minute walk to get there. I put him in the back seat of the car and took off towards the dorms.

"Do you know why you collapsed?"
"I d-don't know, I just got r-really dizzy."
It could have been worse so I am definitely not complaining

When we got there, I opened up his car door and helped him out. I helped walk him to his dorm. He was silent the entire time, I didn't expect to be
Loud but I didn't expect absolutely zero sound from him. I walk him in and see his roommate reading something. As soon as izuku left I told bakugo to please leave him alone for a few days at least.

And then I left.

Thx 4 reading :)
This has a total of 997 words!

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