Chapter 17

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A/N. Yes, I did put this on discontinued for a lil bit. But not anymore I guess. 🤷
-Izukus P.O.V-

They left the room after a bit and I just sat there. I considered going on my phone but it didn't do anything to ease the boredom. I sat and waited. I don't quite know what I was waiting for. I faced the door and tucked knees to my chest. I look around but generally stay there. Within thirty to forty five minutes someone knocks on the door. I wasn't expecting someone to knock but granted, have I really expected anything that happened recently?

"Come in." It isn't as confident sounding but I still need to say something. Mic pops his head in.

"Hey, dinner is gonna be done in twenty minutes." His voice seems to understand the sensitivity of the subject. My head lowers and fear rises.

"O-okay." My voice cracks.

"I know that you've had struggles with food. We will be there and you don't have to eat it all." He means they know I'm weak and I still have to eat some of it. At least that's what the translator in my brain says. For once I just want to tell it that it's wrong.

" I have to eat it? I really can't gain weight." His lips seal into a line and his brows furrow from worry. He nods and my heart drops. I lean forward and give him a hug. I needed support and I was understanding that he would supply that. He was quick to hug back and even took to rubbing gentle and caring circles on my back. My eyes tear up.

"Bud, you need to gain weight. I know you don't want to, and I know it's hard. You just gotta push through it. I promise you're underweight You always deserve to eat." Instead of fighting the words, I let them sit within me. Tears spill from my eyes. He doesn't make any act to insult me or shove me off. If anything, he's hugging me tighter. I smile and sniffle. I pull away from him after five minutes.

"You feel a little better?" I nod, which, releases the tension in his brows and smile.

Five more minutes. Five more minutes until they see me eat. Five more minutes until I gain weight. Five more minutes until I have to eat. Five more minutes until I have to eat and not know the calorie count. I just want to get better, I want to be better. One minute passes and I start fidgeting. Two minutes pass and I start to overthink. Three minutes pass and reality sets in. Four minutes Aizawa tells us dinner is done. Five minutes I'm at the table. They seem to have a conversation that distracts them from me. Good. Halfway through their dinner they seem to realize that I haven't touched mine.

They look at each other with worry. I don't move. My hands sit respectfully in my lap. I look down, not at the plate. They finish their food and I get up to dump my plate when I feel a hand resting in my shoulder.

"Sit back down please. You haven't eaten anything." I do as I'm told and carry myself towards the table. My plate sit on the table and I sit in the chair. They sit closer to me.

"Can you take one bite please?" I shake my head. I steal a breath and my lip quivers.

"Please, it's unhealthy that you're doing this. Just take a bite." I wipe the tears that slips down my face, only for it to be replaced. The voice and guilt gets louder.

"I can't- it- it won't shut up." I sob out. This guilt grows inside me and everything feels heavy. I'm wrapped in a pair of arms and I cling onto them for dear life. Mic tightens the hug.

"I'm- I'm so sor-sorry." A hiccup over takes me.

"It's okay, nothing is wrong. You have no need to be sorry." A nagging feeling sets in. Everything is wrong, feels wrong, sounds wrong, and looks wrong. I want everything to stop. I want the hug to stop too. My voice won't turn on or work. I can't communicate what I need. He keeps tightening the hug. My breathing becomes worse and shakes course through my body. I shake my head but no one understands. My thoughts separate into nonsense. My mouth and voice won't work.

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