The Rock Sisters !

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Night had finally fallen on Mouseford , and all the students had gone to bed . One of them , however , had the greatest difficulty in sleeping : Violet . After the spat with her friends , the girl had rushed to her room in indignation . The band needed someone with a clear head when it came to music , so why couldn't the others understand ? Then , once she'd calmed down , Violet realized she'd been exaggerating . The main thing was obviously not to become a successful band , but to share the experience with her friends

Violet : I need to find a way out of this awful impasse...

Then , Violet got up , put on her robe and picked up her inseparable violin . She went outside to the soundproof room of the academy . As soon as she pushed open the door , she was seized by the notes of a romantic melody . To her astonishment , she discovered Professor Aria seated at the piano .

Anna : Yang ! What are you doing here at this hour...with your violin ?

Violet : Well...I needed to relax and thinking...

Anna bowed her head in understanding .

Anna : Of you can see , I also go off to play when I'm worried . But tell me , what's going on ?

Violet , need a friendly ear , told the teacher about her quarrel with the other Thea Sisters .

Anna : Music and friendship are two precious gifts , but they don't always mix...

She then invited Violet to sit next to her .

Anna : When Mark and I were kids , music was everything to us . Every afternoon , we'd get together to play and talk for hours about our new songs... This was the last song we wrote together . We called it "The road to success", a road we hoped to travel together...

Violet : And , what happened ?

Anna : At the time , we were still growing up , and each of us was trying to impose their ideas on the other . That's how our understanding , simple and spontaneous at first , became complicated . One day , we got into an argument just before a concert . I had decided to finish "The road to success" in a certain way , but Mark didn't agree... In the end , we went on stage angry and didn't exchange a single glance afterwards . And it was just after that show that an agent offered me the chance to do some scenes far away . As I was still furious with Mark , I said yes . The next day , I phoned him , but he was very cold and only wished me good luck . If he'd asked me to stay , I'd never have leave !

Violet : You mean your friendship broke up over ?

Anna : In fact , we drifted apart when we stopped talking and , above all , listening to each other . Your friends were trying to tell you something today , but maybe you didn't really hear it . Am I wrong ?

Violet : I just wanted them to follow me... And I didn't understand what they were saying !

That night , Pamela also had trouble falling asleep . Without turning on the light , she got up and tiptoed through the deserted corridors of the academy . She quietly entered the Lizard Club room .

Pamela : Good thing I've got my secret stash of cookies ! He! he! he!

She was about to open the pantry , when she was confronted by a white face . She jumped in surprise...

Pamela : Aaaahh !

...eliciting a burst of laughter as the apparition's only reaction .

??? Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

Pamela : C-Colette ?! It's you ?! You scared the hell out of me !

No doubt about it , it was her friend standing there in her pink robe , tasselled mules and a yoghurt mask on her face .

Colette : When I'm nervous , there's nothing like a beauty treatment to calm me down , you know !

Pamela : I need to be in a good mood too !

Then the two friends took each other by the arm and headed back to the dormitory . In the corridor , they met Nicky , who had just come from the gym .

Nicky : Without a little exercise , I can't get rid of my negative thoughts !

The three girls then headed for the computer room in search of Paulina , whom they found bent over a computer . The four of them decided not to wait until the following day to make up with Violet . If they had to drag her out of bed , they'd have to talk to her right away to convince her to rejoin the group . They had just left the computer room when they came face to face with their friend , accompanied by Anna . Surprised , the five Thea Sisters paused for a moment , then burst out laughing - they really were too funny , all in their pyjamas and slippers in that dark corridor . Violet threw herself into her friends' arms , sobbing .

Violet : *cried* Oh , forgive me , girls ! I've been such a fool !

Colette/Paulina/Pamela/Nicky : No , we're the ones who've been unfair ! You only wanted to help us !

Once the misunderstanding was cleared up , the Thea Sisters found themselves more united than ever .

Anna : You'll make an exceptional group , I'm sure .

Paulina : Maybe so ! We're five inseparable friends...who take up the rock challenge ! So we'll call ourselves...the Rock Sisters !

Violet : I like it ! It's the perfect name for our band !

Pamela/Colette/Nicky : Yeah !

The peace was made and a new orchestra was born .

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