Fractured | 1 |

345 20 7

It was a ripple effect, that caused me to sit on the floor of my kitchen, crying with a tub of Rocky Road ice cream.

I woke up this morning with the hope of a better day, that maybe just maybe I was succeeding as a single mom, but little by little, small things accumulated until I broke down—again.

From coffee staining my new blouse right before work, to a flat tire resulting in needing to Uber to the office,

and just when I began to think everything was going well while I was pitching a new idea to my boss, I get a call from my nanny, saying my son has a fever and it's high, that she's taking him to the doctor.

And though I trust her with Theo, just the thought of my three-year-old without his mom while he's running a fever had me quickly driving to the doctor,

My boss understood, but I could tell he was pissed, and I'm sure I'll get an earful in tomorrow.

It was a hard day, Trying to not feel like a failure as a parent is...difficult, the guilt of wanting time for myself, yet simultaneously being unable to leave him, isn't easy to wrap my head around.

I'm not sure what leads me to call my sister, but I'm picking my phone up, disregarding it's midnight where she lives.

Her voice is slightly panicky when she picks up, "Hey! Rory, You okay?" And for some reason, I can't answer

"Aurora, what's wrong you're scaring me, you barely call me, let alone this late."

After a shaky break in and out, I'm whispering "Hey Annie, I'm sorry, I-I don't know why I'm calling, I guess I just needed to talk to someone."

"Don't apologize, you're my little sister, I'll always be here, no matter the time, or place." Her words have tears continuing to fall,

I nod, although she can't see me "Theo has been sick all day today, his fever just went down, and I just, I'm so tired Annie, I don't understand how people do this. I'm a horrible mom." The word vomit is rolling out of me without much thought

"Rory, I know I've asked you this a dozen times, but I think you should move down least for the summer, I know you think you need to do this prove something, but it's okay to have people help you out, plus I miss my cute little Theo, I haven't seem him in a year" her voice is genuine and it has me considering her offer,

Maybe a summer away, in a small town, will be nice, not only for my son to be around some family, but for me...

"Okay...if you're sure, then we'll go for the summer." My words are a whisper, but they're filled with hope,

Hope that maybe just maybe this time away will help me get my head straight, to find a new job because the one I have now is draining, it's all-consuming and causes me to not be around my son as much as I'd want to.

She squeals, and her husband in the background's voice is muffled but I hear Annie loud and clear, "Rory is Coming here!! She's coming here, babe isn't this the best news." She's loud and happy, and it causes me to smile.

Her husband chuckles "Yeah that's real good, we haven't seen her and Theo in a while."

Their excitement prompts me to stand up and start making a list of things I need to start packing.


Authors note:

Here's a new short! This one was a request someone had💗 hopefully I do okay on it ! She wanted a single mom! Here's part one babes.

I hope all of you love it!💗

Update after I finished it: It won't have many actual scenes with the kid (while I was writing it took a more emotional/her healing route..whoops)

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