chapter 2

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Angel: go away Vaggie i'm not in the mood to deal with you! Tiff opened the door and walked in as she saw Angel on his bed cuddling with his pet, Tiff smiled at him then gently put her hand on his shoulder which made him look at her with wide eyes. Angel sat up and looked at Tiff as she smiled at him as she sat down on Angel's bed.
Tiff: hi Anthony.
Angel: Tiff i don't beleive it! they both hugged each other as Tiff had tears in her eyes as Angel was the same way.
Tiff: i knew i'd find you eventually (sniffs) i missed you so much.
Angel: i missed you too i was afraid my old man got you but your actually here and just as beautiful as the day i died, i was so worried about you i always thought you'd go to heaven.
Tiff: never not after what i did i murdered the bastarads who took away my family, i also killed your Dad but i was blinded by rage when i lost you. even Molly was upset when you died but now i'm here with you.
Angel: same here i'm just glad your safe.
Tiff: Anthony i have something to tell you i know about Valentino so i did what i could to feee you from him.
Angel: what are you talking about? Tiff pulled out Angel's contract and show it too him which surprised him then look at it then back at Tiff he was completely shocked.
Angel: what did you do? Angel's phone went off and saw it was from Valentino saying that he was sold to the great great granddaughter of Rosie.
Tiff: yeah i did this but i did it for you Charlie told me you wouldn't come out of your room for days so i did this for you. Angel held Tiff close and she smiled at him.

Angel: you are a wonderful magician and i thought magicians never reveal their secrets?
Tiff: (smirks) we don't but i have waited seventy years for you and i thought you'd like to join me at my place for dinner tonight? you can even bring your adorable piggy.
Angel: alright see you tonight i gotta clean myself up before i come over.
Tiff: alright i have my friends living with me so be warned about them. Tiff went to her house and went to get things ready.

*at Tiff's house*

things were done in the dining room and heard a knock on the door as Moxxie answered it.
Moxxie: Tiff your guest has arrived.
Tiff: thanks Moxxie! Tiff walked into the foyer and saw Angel wearing a suit which made her heart stop as she smiled at him.
Angel: wow you look great. Tiff was wearing a black dress that stopped just above her knees while wearing her open toed heels while wearing a sapphire choker, and her hair was done up into a fancy ponytail.
Tiff: thanks but i haven't seen you wear a suit since we went to that dance in high school.
Angel: i know but i thought it would be a great choice for tonight also (holds up flowers) these are for you. Tiff smiled at the gesture then kindly took the flowers as she guided Angel to the dining room.
Angel: wow this place is amazing.
Tiff: thanks but let's enjoy dinner just the two of us Blitz and the others are going out for take out, so we could be alone. they both sat down at the table and ate dinner as they laughed then they both each held up a glass of wine as they cheered to their rekindled friendship.

*tiny time skip*

Tiff was giving Angel a tour of her home.
Angel: you should just call me Angel it's what i go by now down here.
Tiff: alright i like the sound of since i always thought you were my angel. Angel chuckled when he heard that then Tiff showed him her studio where she practices he tricks, along with other things as Angel walked in he was surprised by what he was seeing.
Angel: wow you've been really busy haben't you?
Tiff: yeah i have even after i arrived in Hell people noticed my talent then i had became a big thing, even met all my friends but Asmodeous and i are still you know trying to work it out. but i forgave him for embarrassing Blitz and Stolas but that's in the past i even dealt with a cowboy in the past let's just say Striker is a complete jackass.
Angel: damn but i know you can handle him Tiff you've always had my back when we were alive, cause i remember how much of a bad ass woman you are and how damn good you are with your guns. Tiff hid behind her hand in embarrassment then felt a hand on her shoulder.
Tiff: i'm surprised you remembered all that even though it was seventy years ago.
Angel: yeah but do you remember the first dance we shared when we were back in high school.
Tiff: yeah but i couldn't find the song so i found something a bit close to it. Tiff put on some music which made Angel smile and he walked over to Tiff as they smiled at each other.

Angel: care to dance milady?
Tiff: (giggles) of course my good sir. they both laughed and danced to the song as Tiff wrapped her arms around Angel's neck they smiled at each other continued dancing together, but didn't know that I.M.P was watching and Loona took a picture of them dancing then heard a squeal as they saw Angel lift Tiff up off of the ground. Tiff was laughing and held onto Angel's shoulders then was set back down onto the ground.
Angel: i should get going Vaggie might start yelling.
Tiff: alright i can have my driver drop you off and tell the girls i said hey but if they ever need my help i can make it to the hotel, in no time i promise that and just let me know if Valentino is being a pain. if he doesn't keep his end of the bargain i will personally kill him myself.
Angel: there's that bad ass i know. they leaned their foreheads together as Tiff giggled and they hugged each other Angel left as Tiff watched him leave and she smiled at him.
Blitz: so how was things?
Tiff: it was great i'm just happy i did something for Angel but i still have his contract so that way no one can hurt him, i was only doing something nice for my friend. but right now i am heading to bed i had a bit of too much wine or maybe the fucking food coma is kicking in. Tiff went up to her room and went to bed after getting changed out of her dress.

*time skip*

it had been days since Tiff and Angel had gotten back together and at the moment Tiff was getting ready cause she was getting ready to head out with Angel and Cherri, they were going to a club as it was Cherri's idea and she was putting on her boots.
Tiff: alright Loona Millie be honest do i look okay?
Loona: you look great. Tiff's phone went off and she saw it was Bee video chatting with her.
Bee: damn girl you look hot.
Tiff: really i mean my leather dress isn't much or anything?
Bee: no no no you look great but maybe do your hair up. Tiff worked with her hair and put it in a slick style which surprised the girls.
Millie: you look perfect now go pick up Angel i'm sure he'd be happy to see you.
Tiff: well i better get going don't want to keep them waiting by guys. Tiff got in her limo then the driver took her to the hotel and she honked the horn which caught Angel's attention.
Charlie: be safe and have fun Angel.
Vaggie: but remember don't hurt Tiff she really cares about you.
Angel: i know but i got something ask her and i think it might shock her, so come on Cherri let's go party.
Cherri: right behind ya! they both walked out and got in the limo as they all went to a club.

*at the club*

they were dancing having fun then Angel dipped Tiff as they were dancing together and then went to the bar to get some drinks, Tiff was drinking a couple of cocktails as she was smiling seeing Angel having fun.
Cherri: so how do you two know each other?
Tiff: we we've been friends since we were kids and when we were alive we were inseperable just Angie ho would know.
Angel: it's true but i also kept the picture of us at our high school dance i thought i was going to faint when i saw something so beautiful in front of me. Tiff looked away blushing as she was taking a sip from her drink.
Cherri: hey why don't you guys go show everyone what you got.
Tiff: well i may have invited my friends Vortex and Bee so they are going to be here soon.
Vortex: sooner than you think girl. they both hugged each other and Tiff introduced her friends to both Angel and Cherri.
Bee: so your the famous friend Tiff here was telling us about.
Angel: yeah but we're going to dance come on hot stuff. they were enjoying their dance and Tiff felt Angel kiss her cheek as she looked at him surprised by his action.
Tiff: you just kissed my cheek.
Angel: well yeah because i wanted to for a long time and Tiff will you be my girlfriend? Tiff was surprised by the question and hugged Angel as he hugged her back.
Tiff: yes i will be your girlfriend cause i love you so much Angel Dust.

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