chapter 7

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Tiff was on her way to Cannibal Town to visit her Grandmother then walked into the emporium and saw Rosie was busy.
Rosie: Tiffany darling how are you?
Tiff: i'm good Grandma Rosie it's just well Angel and i busy but he's got something on his mind and it's really bugging me.
Rosie: oh sweetie you know how men are and you know i'm always here for you my beautiful rose, now we can have some tea after i finish with some clients.
Tiff: alright and well I've been having a strange craving for flesh which is not like me. Rosie looked at Tiff and felt her forehead which confused Tiff by her Grandmothers actions.
Rosie: uh Tiffany Darling are you feeling alright? you never you eat flesh mostly likely you've stuck too what you normally ate.
Tiff: i know but Angel and i are going to perform a magic show tonight hope you'll be there Grandma Rosie.
Rosie: i wouldn't miss it for anything.

*later that night*

everything was set and Tiff wasn't feeling too good she threw up and washed out her mouth.
Angel: you alright?
Tiff: yeah i'm fine it's just i haven't been feeling so good for a few days but let's get ready for the show. Tiff put on her jacket and Angel was wearing a shimmery vest that suited him, and they walked out on stage as the crowd cheered.
Angel: welcome ladies and gentlemen perpared to be dazzled by the one the only Tiffany Stardust!
Tiff: thank you my love now let's get this show started (takes off hat) now let's see what's in my hat possibly something, adorable like our precious pet. Tiff reached into her hat and pulled out Fat Nuggets as she got licked on her cheek by him.
Tiff: well it is our precious pet Fat Nuggets and he is just adorable. Angel took Fat Nuggets as he hugged him close and the show was going better and once it was over, they both were back stage and shared a kiss but heard something and got worried. only to see it was something else Striker had some how survived.
Angel: Striker but i thought you killed him?
Tiff: i did but the question is how is he alive. (sees gun pointed towards Rosie) no Grandma Rosie! Tiiff got shot and she held the wound and Rosie kneeled down while holding her great great granddaughter.
Rosie: Tiffany!
Striker: i was aiming for the overlord but guess i got you instead now i'm gonna finish the job. right before Striker could finish the job another gun shot went off only to see it was Angel holding his gun.
Angel: get away from my wife and her grandmother i won't let you kill them.
Moxxie: agreed. they both shot Striker and he fell to the ground while bleeding and got ate by the cannibles.

Alastor: Tiffany my dear we must get you too the hospital so we can help you. Angel gently picked up Tiff and she was holding her wound cause it was bleeding so much, pressure was put onto it and she passed out due to blood loss. the doctors took Tiff as she went into surgery too get the bullet out of her then put her in a room to recover, as she was still unconscious.
Loona: will she be alright?
Angel: the doctor said she'll wake up soon but i don't understand that damn bullet went just above her stomach, at least it missed any major organs but Tiff has also been sick for a few days i wonder what's up with her.
Doctor: i know why she's been sick it seems Mrs. Stardust is pregnant i would suggest she doesn't work for a bit due to her pregnancy, she'll be out in a couple of weeks.
Loona: Angel your going to be a dad congrats.
Angel: thanks but Tiff and i never once dicussed having kids we don't even know if we're ready for that, but i wonder if Rosie is ready for another great great grandchild but this time it's her great great great grandchild i don't know how to tell her.
Rosie: tell me what?
Angel: it turns out Tiff is pregnant and we never talked about starting a family.
Rosie: look when Tiffany wakes up just let me know and i will come to visit i promise, and i'm glad you make her happy your apart my family now. so please take care of them both.
Angel: i will.

*two weeks later*

Tiff was home pacing thinking about weither she wanted to keep the baby or not, Tiff just couldn't think straight and knew it would be hard. but considering the fact that she loves kids and babysat when she was still alive Tiff just couldn't think clearly.
Tiff: fuck i never thought i would end up pregnant how am i supposed to work i made a career out of being a, magician and now i have a baby on the way (sits on couch) i just don't know what to do anymore. (lays back on couch and groans) ugh this is just perfect now what the hell am i supposed to do? a knock was heard and Tiff went to answer it only to see Velvette was there and she didn't expect it.
Tiff: Velvette what're you doing here?
Velvette: i heard the good news and i wanted to see how you were doing.
Tiff: not good actually i don't know what to do i never thought i would get pregnant i mean i love kids i do, and it's just i never had one of my own before. Velvette: now come on it can't be all that bad your the most incredible magician in all of hell, so if you can give people a great show along with kids then you can do this. Tiff your the greatest friend anyone can ask for even your friends would agree. Tiff smiled and hugged Velvette as she hugged Tiff back they both pulled apart and had some milkshakes.
Velvette: ooh this is good.
Tiff: it's just some vanilla ice cream with berries makes it really good. plus i can't drink any alcohol due to the baby I've been meaning to cut back anyways but how are the boys?
Velvette: block heads like always mostly Valentino you know how it is.
Tiff: i don't blame you girl but things here have been different i mean i have three imps and a hellhound living with me, they've been my best friends since i arrived in hell and we're roommates they drive me crazy. but i can't help but love them.

Angel: i'm home.
Tiff: in the living room babe.
Angel: hey how's my beautiful wife doing?
Tiff: i'm fine Angie just hanging out with Velvette but we should really set up the nursery for our baby.
Velvette: i help with the design if you both would like.
Angel: thanks we trust you.
Velvette: alright which room is going to be the nursery? Tiff and Angel both showed the room that would be turned into the nursery which was a couple doors down from their room, Velvette took a look and knew it would be a challenge for a baby nursery.
Velvette: well i need to know what the kid is going to be so that way it can be perfect.
Tiff: alright we will let you know when we have the gender of our baby could be a boy or girl who knows.

*six months later*

Tiff and Angel sent the result to Velvette through a text and she was getting to work on the nursery, she was going to make it perfect.
Velvette: alright this is going to take some time so got any suggestions?
Angel: what if we put the crib by this wall and put a little mobile over it you know with like little animals on it.
Velvette: alright that's a good idea and sounds adorable what if it was little bats and spiders or little bears and rabbits.
Tiff: that sounds cute let's go with all four it would make super adorable.
Velvette: you got it it will be custom made just for the precious little cutie i can even add a wolf along with a deer if you guys like.
Angel: sure it would be perfect for our little girl which we were thinking of naming Lily our little flower.
Velvette: alright i can get things done but you guys can pick the crib for little Lily i will get my employees to have the walls painted, and you two can do the rest by finding the decorations for the nursery.
Tiff: thanks for your help Velvette but we can only hope Vox and Valentino don't get jealous.
Velvette: oh don't worry about them but you two worry about getting what you need for Lily and i will take care of the rest.

*mini time skip*

the nursery was done and Angel was putting a few stuffed animals away and even put a stuffed Fizzy on the shelf for Lily.
Angel: there now the nursery is perfect for my little girl i can only hope Tiff is doing alright. Angel went to check on Tiff and saw that was sitting on the couch with Fat Nuggets as he cuddled up to Tiff while she was petting him.

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