chapter 5

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Millie: so Tiff how did you and Angel meet?
Tiff: i suppose it's time we told our story but let's head inside and Blitz stay away from my horse, she'll buck you hard in your nuts. Blitz sweatdropped and
followed everyone inside they all sat down in the, living room then Tiff grabbed a crystal ball that could show what happened in the past.
Tiff: just let me tell you my life wasn't the best my parents did what they could to raise me but what i didn't know they were working with Angel's father, and well they decided to quit so they could raise me and they did better. they went to church but they were killed when i was thriteen so here is our story. a brightlight shone and everyone saw it.


it all started when Tiff was only six years old then she saw a kid sitting by himself she walked over and tapped his shoulder.
Tiff: you alright?
Anthony: not really just a bit lonely.
Tiff: well maybe we could play together i never had a friend before. but my names Tiffany call me Tiff.
Anthony: i'm Anthony nice too meet you Tiff. they both went to play and became good friends as time passed they both got older and stayed close as friends.

*twelve years later*

it had been twelve years both Tiff and Angel were both in their twenties as they looked at each other with love in their eyes, memories of them had been shown from their time in high school when they went to a school dance. it was full of memories for them then once it came to a heist they shot all the other gang members as they both high fived each other.
Anthony: damn what a heist.
Tiff: don't remind me (let's hair down and takes off hat) whew i'm hot as fuck. Anthony looked at Tiff and smirked at her as she saw him looking at her.
Anthony: you look like it too.
Tiff: don't get any idea's lover boy now come on we gotta meet up with Molly.
Anthony: i meant you could use some water smart ass. Tiff flipped him off then they both laughed and went home to get cleaned up. Tiff came out wearing a black skirt with her knee high boots, black tank top and a purple blazer jacket, while having her hair back in a french braid. Anthony came out of the shower all dressed and saw Tiff looking different which made him blush.
Tiff: Anthony hello earth to Anthony!
Anthony: OW! don't yell in my ear.
Tiff: your the one who was spacing out so come on before we're late. they both made it to a cafe and enjoyed some lunch with Molly.

*tiny time skip*

Anthony was about to go meet up with Tiff but was told over the phone she would be over and he was excited but, he knew that Tiff knew about his addiction and wanted to quit for her.
Anthony: one last time i'm doing this then i'm quiting for the woman i love. what Tiff didn't know that her best friend had died from over dose and she saw his body in the chair, Tiff walked over to him and had tears in her eyes.
Tiff: you can't leave me like this fuck you shithead i never got to tell you how i felt (tears fall down) if you ended up in hell i will find you again my love. it had been days since what happened and Tiff shot Anthony's Dad for not giving a damn she was blinded by her rage and used her magic to kill the ones who killed her family.

*end of flashback*

Tiff waved her hand over the crystal ball and everyone was shocked by what they saw.
Blitz: holy shit i always thought you were a bad ass woman.
Angel: you were really blinded by rage Tiff but your here with me and nothing is going to take me away from you, i promise i'm sorry i died before you got there but i wanted to quit my addiction for you.
Tiff: you are the best Angie but it's getting late see you guys in the morning your more than welcomed to spend the night. everyone went to bed after Tiff showed everyone to their rooms and they all went to bed. but Tiff didn't know that Angel was planning something special for his girlfriend.

*next day*

Rosie: alright the rose arch is ready and Velvett is distracting Tiffany as we speak.
Angel: good i want this to be a great surprise for her we've may have been dating for almost a year now but i'm happy to have Tiff, as my girlfriend she's the love of my life.
Rosie: and i'm glad she has you soon you'll be apart of my family. Angel smiled and went out to go buy the ring for Tiff he had too choose a specific gem for his girl.
Angel: now let's see hey do you have a ring with diamonds and amethysts?
Jewel: i do (pulls out ring) hope your girlfriend will like this. Angel paid for the ring and left then knew he would have to get a suit for the surprise. later that night Tiff came back wearing a new dress from Velvett it was her style black and she was wearing open toed heels, while her hair was all syled up. Rosie: alright Tiffany follow me my dear and keep your eyes closed.
Tiff: (giggles) they are closed Grandma Rosie. Rosie guided Tiff out to the surprise that's in the backyard and Rosie stopped Tiff.
Rosie: alright open your eyes. Tiff opened her eyes and saw the backyard was transformed into something she never imangined before.
Angel: you like it?
Tiff: i love it Angie what made you want to do this?
Angel: you'll see. Angel took Tiff's hand in his and she followed him over to the arch and saw how it looked.
Tiff: Angel this is beautiful.
Angel: your Grandma Rosie helped out but Tiff i have something to ask you.
Tiff: you can tell me anything Angel you know that. Angel took a deep breath and held both of Tiff's hands which made her confused by what was going on.
Angel: Tiff i love you more than anything and you know how much i love Fat Nuggets, but you are the woman i want to spend enternity with you. Angel got on one knee which shocked Tiff and she gasped as her hand flew up to her mouth then moved over her heart, with tears in her eyes as looked at Angel not knowing what to say.
Tiff: Angel are you serious?
Angel: i am so will you Tiffany Stardust marry me and become my bride?
Tiff: (cries) yes yes yes! Angel put the ring on Tiff's finger and she hugged him and  he hugged back.

Tiff: your such a dork but i love you.
Angel: i love you too.
Charlie: congrats Tiff.
Tiff: thanks Charlie oh satan i probably look crazy is my make up running?
Vaggie: just a little mostly your masscara.
Velvett: i am so happy for you Tiff now i can help with your wedding dress i can go over a few designs with you, and i can have it made for you.
Tiff: alright but we'll go over that soon but right now i'm a mess especially with my masscara like this.
Charlie: come on let's head inside. everyone went inside and were having some drinks to celebrate.
Bee: so whens the wedding?
Angel: we've decided to have it in six months but plenty of time to get things ready.
Rosie: i can help you go over the flowers honey.
Tiff: thank you Grandma Rosie.

*six months later*

Tiff was trying on the dress that Velvett's workers made and noticed it was truly her.
Velvett: so what do you think?
Tiff: i love it but i'm just nervous about my wedding (lets out stressed breath) I've been a bit stressed with planning the wedding, and afraid something is going to ruin it. but i had to deal with Angel's Dad i killed him again since you know i was worried.
Velvett: listen nothing is going to ruin the wedding i promise now head home and i will bring the dress to the hotel, so go on and head there. see you in the morning get plenty of sleep but the girls are going to throw you a little slumber party just for the occassion. Tiff smiled and had help getting the dress off then went to the hotel and hung out with the girls.

*at the Hotel*

Charlie: the bride to be is here.
Loona: hey ready for your little party?
Tiff: yeah lets have some fun at least Angel and the guys are doing their own party so i owe Tex big time. so let's head upstairs and have some fun. the girls all went up to the room Charlie had set up just for Tiff the girls were all having fun but Tiff, went to sleep and she passed out once she hit the bed.
Bee: look's like someone passed out.
Vaggie: we all should get some sleep ourselves.

*next day*

Charlie and Vaggie walked in with some coffee and gave some to everyone.
Vaggie: alright girls we gotta lot of work to do we have to help Tiff get ready aslo get ready ourselves. they all got to work and a knock was heard on the door.
Velvett: hello ladies i'm here and i brought Tiff's dress i added a very special surprise and i think Tiff will love it. after getting hair and make up done Tiff was wearing her dress and looked at herself in the mirror.
Tiff: wow Velvett it's beautiful.
Rosie: my great great granddaughter i hardly recognize you so beautiful in your dress.

Rosie: my great great granddaughter i hardly recognize you so beautiful in your dress

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Tiff: thanks Grandma Rosie well we better head down.

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