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Jessica's pov

Shawn held me in his arms as I cried .

I fell asleep in his chest and woke up to yelling .

I open my eyes and saw Danny yelling at Shawn .

"What the fuck are you guys always arguing about ."

"Why is he sleeping with you"

I got up and held Danny's hand bringing him outside .

We sat on the porch .

"You know I love you with everything I have "

"Jess don't you dare , is it because of Shawn "

"I think that you would be happier with that girl from the wedding or Bethany , I mean they give you the good life and I'm just not ready for that right now " he cut me off

"I'll wait for you "

"Danny I'm just not ready for all the drama that's going to come my way . I don't want to cry every time I assume you're cheating on me . I've learned to accept that you can't get rid of the girls. But if you want to get married , engaged or even be in a relationship you have to put all that away or else there isn't going to be any other girls danny "

"Jess please stop"

"I'm breaking up with you . I'm not ready for this kind of relationship . I will always love you no matter what . Maybe one day you'll find a girl that you'll love with all your heart and not cheat on , you'll live happily ever after with her Danny ."

Tears ran down his face rapidly . He should've seen this coming , right?

"You were my girl Jessica Rose" he said and walked to his car .

I sat there and cried.

Shawn came out and picked me up .

"I did it "

30 minutes later.

My phone rang .

I picked it up .


"Hello is this Miss.Rose "

"Yes "

"Um we have Daniel Levi here in the hospital with very bad injurys in his skull, ribs , and hand . A truck crashed into him while driving so would you mind coming "

"What room "


"I'll be right there"

I started panicking .

I ran upstairs and changes into sweats a t shirt and an army jacket with that i put on socks and my Nike sandals .

I ran grabbing my purse and phone plus it's charger .

I got into my car and and put my hair up .

I quickly drove to the hospital and ran through the the hallways into Danny's room . I see Jason .

"Ohh my "

I sat in a chair and held Danny's hand . I started to ball my eyes out .

"Why are you crying "

"It's all my fault " I replied .

"Don't be silly "

"No yes true we got into a big argument and I-" I cried even more.

I stepped outside and cried .

"It's all my fault " I whispered .

I saw the doctor and stood up .

"How long till he will recover "

"About a week or so "

"Thank god "

I slept there and woke up early so I could go home and dress.

(Pic in media)

I dressed and put my hair in a sleek back pony tail .

I did light makeup and put in my shoes .

I made myself coffee that would last me the day and drove to Krispy Kreme and got donuts .

I drove back to the hospital .

I dropped off donuts and kissed Danny's forehead .

I drove to school.

I walked in .

"Heard your boyfriend got hurt , aw" Bethany said in a sarcastic way .

"That's not funny "

"Aww did I make you made , you big baby. Want me to bring you to your boyfriend , should I say your ex and my boyfriend ." she laughed

"What " I said horrified

"He asked me out last night before he got in the accident "

"Ohh my god "

I cried and cried .

He got over me real quick .

I left early and I lied and said I was sick .

I drove to the hospital .

I got to Danny's room and saw he was awake eating the donuts . I smiled when I saw him .

I gave him the lunch I bought him .

He smiled.

I sat down and stayed silent .

"What's wrong "

"You asked out Bethany right after we broke up "

"No I didn't , I would never , how could believe her. You don't even like her"

"I'm sorry"

He pushed over in his bed . He patted the space next to him .

I laid down with him .

My blue and white plaid shirt brushing against the blanket making my stomach show .

My ripped jeans showing my tan skin .
My white vans mixing in with the hospital sheets. My hair that Danny was stroking.

"Since when do you have a tattoo" Danny questioned.

Ohh did I forget to mention I have arrows behind my ear .

"What "

"You have a tattoo behind your ear "

I didn't reply .

I nuzzled my face in his chest . Minutes later I heard Bethany's slutty voice .

"Omg Danny "

"Bye " Danny said and cuddled me up .

"Let her go "

"No " he said called security .

I kissed his cheek .






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