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Jessica in media .. She's Ashley benson . She's hot

Jessica's pov

      I couldn't bear the pain for any longer , I laid in the hospital bed thinking about how dreadful this really is. I would rather die. Which is pretty bad to say but it's true .

My father just passed away in my arms . I called for a nurse ... Anything . A nurse came in . They took him and I sat waiting for 3 hours.

"Miss. Rose" we have bad news " I cut her off .

"He's gone isn't he" I said as she shook her head . I starting crying my eyeballs out . I called Shawn and told him I was here , he came in 5 minutes.

He ran in looking for where I was and he saw me . I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist.

I looked at his face and there was a few tears that ran along his cheek.

We stayed there all morning . I sat in Shawn lap and he rocked. Back and forth , stroking my hair and singing to me .

I had soon noticed my eyes got heavy and my eyes got darker . My eyes started burning.

I woke up and I remembered what happened . A tear steamed along my face . I saw Shawn was sitting there shaking his leg up and down and his nostrils flared , his palm against his temple .

He's holding back tears and I know it, Shawn and my dad were bestfriends . They had this thing of doing something every Friday and Sunday . They were close and I loved that they were close .

He was my dads dream son besides my big brother in college.

Someone came busting through the doors . I looked up and it was Danny . We are on an okay note .



He came running and picked me up .

Right now Shawn , Danny and my brother are all I need .

"I'm sorry babes" he said and kissed my head .

A few hours laters I saw my hero coming through the doors . I ran and jumped on his waist crying . It was my brother .

"Ian" I said and we both cried . He waddled around . We both were crying our eyes out . He sat down with me in his lap. I cuddled up in his chest as he stroked my hair .

"It's all going to be okay squirt" he said hugging me .

I wrapped my hands around my older brother as he reassured me that we'll be okay .

"I'll move out my dorm and come live at the house . I'll go sign papers for me to be your legal guardian . As much as me and dad  fought .. I'll always at least try to make him proud . I'll be the man of the house ."

"You don't have to do that .. I'll be more than happy for her to stay at mine" Shawn said .

"No it's ok Shawn . Right now we both need each other and I'll be here . I'll take care of my baby sister and I'll make sure she'll get yo live a normal life . I'll go to the courthouse and rearrange the mayor situation . I'll take care of every thing squirt . I just want you to have your normal last year in high school . You're going to need it , I'll do what ever for you , you little ass" he said kissing my forehead .

"I'm letting you do this alone . I don't want to be normal Ian . I want to help and be here every step and I won't let you do it solo" I said looking up at him with red eyes .

I saw aurrey walk through the door looking all around for me . She ran over to me and hugged me .

"Jess I'm so sorry . "

A week later

" Ian I'm going to dinner with the kids , aurrey and Jack and Shawn . I'll be back ." I yelled putting on my oversized white v-neck , light washed blue skinny jeans that had slits on my knees, and pairing it with my white converse . I lightly curled my short hair and I took my cross body . I grabbed one of Ian's baseball hats and put it on .

"Ok squirt, shawns here" he yelled back .

I  ran down the steps opening my door that the door bell was ringing to . I see my two little munchkins and I hug them tightly . Ian comes in and says hi smiling , he says hi to aurrey and does a handshake with Jack . I hugged both of them .

I hugged aurrey . She looked gorgeous .

"How's the baby doing" I asked .

"She's doing fine " she smiled "all she does is kick and it fucking hurts " she said laughing .

We went to dinner . I came back with Shawn. I saw a note on the table .

"Went to go hang out with high school buddies "

I put it down and changed into an old shirt of Ian's and put on spandex shorts . I washed my makeup off and combed my hair putting it in a bun.

I laid in bed as Shawn came and took his shirt and pants off , leaving him in his boxers.

He smiled and laid down next to me . I felt a pair of two strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer into his body , I kissed him and we cuddled .

I tugged on his hair and he kept his arms around me .

I love him .


Haven't posted in ages . I love you guys so much , thank you for getting BBFL at 9K. You guys make me so happy with your messages and comments . I truly thank you guys for a lot .

Goodnight/evening/morning/ afternoon lovelies❤️❤️


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